We are in the golden age of space exploration

by times news cr

This is the golden age of space exploration and you will all be a part of it, said NASA Director Bill Nelson today to students in the Auditorium of the Sofia University (SU) ”St. Kliment Ohridski”. He delivered a lecture within the event “Hello, Cosmos! NASA Speaks!”-”The Artemis Generation: How International Collaboration Will Fuel Our Journey to the Moon and Beyond”. The lecture is part of the program of the visit of the director of NASA to Bulgaria and Romania.

”I want to encourage you that this is an exciting time to be involved in a space program. Bulgaria has every good reason to have a space economy. It’s going to help develop professions, it’s going to improve your people,” said Bill Nelson.

According to him, it is the “Artemis” generation that will be able to travel to Mars and beyond. Bill Nelson noted that all those interested in the field of science related to the study of space should be aware that the basis of its successful research is human relationships and the possibility of people working together in a peaceful way.

“There are so many things happening right now – it’s not just space flights, but also all the scientific research about space, about who we are and where we come from,” explained the director of NASA, quoted by BTA.

Bill Nelson emphasized the benefits of education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and the role of young people as representatives of the “Artemis” generation – the term NASA uses for the next generation of space explorers.

Brief greetings were given by Prof. Reneta Bojankova, Deputy Rector of Sofia University, Dr. Solomon Passi, President of the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria, as well as Kenneth Merten, Ambassador of the USA to Bulgaria.

Prof. Bozhankova welcomed the attendees on her own behalf and on behalf of the Rector of Sofia University – Prof. Georgi Valchev.

“Welcoming the director of NASA, Bill Nelson, is an occasion to look at the hopes of the Artemis generation, to try to support them and show them the best examples of how the pursuit of cooperation and success can lead literally to the stars”, noted Prof. Reneta Bojankova.

“If there is one organization that the whole world associates with space, it is NASA,” noted the president of the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria – Dr. Solomon Passi. He expressed his confidence and hope for the continuation of the good cooperation of the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria with NASA through the assistance of the US Embassy in Bulgaria both in 2025 and beyond.

The US Ambassador to Bulgaria – Kenneth Merten, had the honor to introduce the lecturer Bill Nelson to the guests in the Auditorium of SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

The director of NASA narrated situations from his personal journeys in space, shared information about the latest technologies that are being developed, about the expected discoveries in the near future, as well as about the cooperation between cosmonauts and astronauts in the International Space Station. Bill Nelson explained to the young people how and where to get information about what is happening on planet Earth and in the outer space around it.

The students and pupils present had the opportunity to ask their questions to the guest.

NASA Director Bill Nelson is visiting Romania and Bulgaria. His visit began on Thursday, October 17. The purpose of the visit is to continue efforts to deepen international cooperation and promote the peaceful use of space. Romania and Bulgaria have signed the “Artemis” agreement, defining basic principles for peaceful space exploration. Nelson will meet with senior officials from both countries.

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Cholaku met on October 17 with the director of NASA. The two discussed the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the USA, as well as the long-standing cooperation between the two countries on issues related to outer space, Agerpress reported.

During his trips to both countries, Nelson discussed the importance of international partnerships and cooperation in space, including the transatlantic relationship with NASA.

At the end of last year, Bulgaria became the 32nd country to join the “Artemis” agreements for strategic international partnership in the field of space technologies. The agreement was signed by the then Bulgarian Minister of Innovation and Growth, Milena Stoicheva, and the Director General of NASA, Bill Nelson.

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