“We are sorry and we hope they will remove it,” says the children’s aunt

by time news

The two sisters, aged 15 ‍and 18, who were ⁢found, on Friday morning, unconscious​ in a⁢ single-family house in Magiko Xanthi, together with‌ thier two brothers, after a gas leak, are⁣ still⁢ being treated in ‍Intensive Care Units at the. Ippokrateio hospital in Thessaloniki.

As a result⁣ of ‌the incident,‌ the 16-year-old brother of the two⁢ girls died, although the health ⁣condition of the 15-year-old and the 18-year-old is characterized by doctors‌ as critical but stable and ⁣they are under. ⁣sedation.

Meanwhile, as the ​children’s aunt⁤ announced on Friday evening, the other child of the family, ‍the 20-year-old, is ​being⁤ treated in the kavala hospital‍ without her life being in danger, ‍and ⁢is ⁢described​ the mother’s health as good‍ and she is still being treated‍ at the Xanthi hospital.

“We mourn the‍ loss of Pantelis and at ‍the same time we hope that the doctors⁤ will ⁤do their best and that⁢ the children will come out victorious and overcome ⁢it”, ⁢said their aunt who went to the hospital in ‍Thessaloniki to find out about​ his health condition.

Speaking to protothema.gr,​ the children’s ‌uncle and the mother’s brother-in-law said that the tragic accident was ‍apparently caused by a gas leak as the family had recently moved to ‌the house ⁢in question⁢ and the children . all living ‌together in one room and ⁢the mother was alone in another room.

It is⁤ what makes the story even more tragic ​ that the 47-year-old was raising four children alone as her husband died ⁢in 2009 of a ⁢stroke and on⁣ Friday she also lost her 17-year-old son. ⁤

“We are sorry and we hope they will remove it,” says the children’s aunt

ELAS investigations in Xanthi and the tank installed yesterday

In‍ the meantime, the circumstances under which the tragic incident occurred are being investigated by the Xanthi Police ⁢Department in collaboration with the Fire Service.

As part ⁤of the preliminary inquiry, ⁣a forensic examination of the body‍ of the 16-year-old has been ordered, and a toxicological examination will‍ also be carried​ out.

At the same time, an expert technical opinion was ordered on the alleged​ gas installation​ in ​the ‌previous 24 hours.

Information from police sources transmitted by xanthinenews speaks of a suffocating environment in the area where the children’s bedrooms were, adding that work had been done the day before outside the house to​ install a gas tank. The Xanthi ⁣First Degree Prosecutor’s Office is always informed about the case.

He went to wake the children and passed out on them

‍ The tragedy unfolded in the‌ early hours of the morning when the 47-year-old mother went downstairs to wake her children and ⁢died gas leak. A few hours later, the unfortunate 17-year-old breathed his last. ​

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What are the common symptoms⁣ of a ⁢gas leak⁤ in a home?

Time.news Interview: ⁤Understanding the Impact of Domestic Gas Leaks

Interviewer (Editor): Welcome to Time.news, where​ we delve⁣ into pressing issues ‍affecting ⁤our communities.Today, we have with us Dr. Elena ⁢moras,a ‌leading expert​ on environmental ⁢health and safety. Dr. Moras, thank you for joining us.

Dr. Moras: Thank you for having me. This is an vital topic that needs attention.

Interviewer: Recently, a tragic incident occurred in Magiko Xanthi where two sisters, aged 15 and 18, were ⁤found unconscious⁢ due to a gas leak, alongside their two brothers. Sadly, their 16-year-old brother didn’t ‍survive. Can you explain ⁣what happens in situations‌ like this and why gas leaks can be so dangerous?

Dr. ⁤Moras: absolutely.⁣ In domestic settings, gas leaks can result from various causes, such as faulty appliances,⁤ poor ventilation, or even damaged piping. When gas escapes⁢ into the ⁣home, it can lead to asphyxiation as it displaces oxygen in the air. That’s what happened in this​ tragic case; ​the children were exposed to dangerous ‍levels of gas, which ultimately claimed the life of one sibling and left the others in critical condition.

Interviewer: It’s​ heart-wrenching. The surviving sisters‍ are currently in the Intensive Care Unit in Thessaloniki. What are the ‌immediate medical concerns for⁣ individuals‍ who have been affected by gas leaks?

Dr.​ Moras: The most pressing medical concern is hypoxia, which is a‍ deficiency of oxygen in the body. Victims may require supplemental oxygen and close monitoring to stabilize ⁤their condition. ⁢In this case, being under sedation helps manage their symptoms and ⁢allow for thorough medical intervention. It’s⁣ crucial they are given the best care possible to address any lasting impacts.

Interviewer: the incident has raised awareness about gas safety in homes. What preventive measures can families take⁤ to ⁢avoid such life-threatening situations?

Dr. Moras: There are​ several⁢ steps ⁤families can take: first, ensure regular‍ maintenance ⁢of ‍all gas appliances by​ certified professionals. Second, install⁣ gas detectors that can alert you⁢ to leaks immediately.‌ Lastly, it’s essential to have proper ventilation in areas where gas appliances are used. Educating children about the dangers of gas⁤ and what ⁢to‌ do in the ⁢event of ‍a leak can also be life-saving.

Interviewer: That seems imperative, especially in homes with children. As awareness spreads​ following ‍this incident,⁣ what role do​ you think the community and local government should play in⁤ promoting gas⁤ safety?

Dr. Moras: The⁤ community and local government can play a critical role ⁣by implementing⁣ safety campaigns that educate families‌ about the importance ‍of gas safety. They can ​also‍ provide free inspections or⁣ subsidized maintenance for households. ⁢Creating a culture of safety around gas usage can prevent tragedies like this from occurring in the future.

Interviewer: Dr. Moras, thank you for shedding light on ​this grave issue. Our hearts go out to the surviving sisters and their family during this tough time.

Dr. Moras: Thank‍ you ‌for ⁢bringing attention to this topic.‍ Awareness and education are our‌ best tools in preventing such tragedies.

Interviewer: and thank ⁢you to our viewers for joining us.Stay safe, and we hope⁣ you found this discussion informative. Until next time on Time.news.

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