Wearing a tie: Braun-Pivet does not want to be “the dress police” in the Assembly

by time news

“I am not here to exercise the dress police in the Assembly, I trust the parliamentarians”, recalled the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun Pivet, this Monday on France 2. A reaction after the request of the deputy LR Éric Ciotti, last week, to submit the obligation to wear a tie in the Hemicycle. “They exercise an eminent function and therefore they must be able themselves to judge whether the outfit they are wearing is that famous street outfit, if it is correct attire, if it is worthy attire to exercise this mandate,” she said.

The president, however, clarified that “we cannot come dressed as we want. The regulations of the National Assembly provide for street attire. You no longer belong to yourself when you return to the National Assembly and in the hemicycle, you are an elected representative of the nation, you represent the French, so you must always imagine that the French must be proud of you.

Strong reactions from the left

The debate has gained a lot of momentum in recent days, after the president of the Paca region Renaud Muselier criticized Thursday the behavior of the deputies of the Nupes in the Assembly, of a “dirty, scruffy left, who shouts everywhere” according to him. In the process, the LR deputy and quaestor Éric Ciotti demanded “the obligation to wear a tie” in the Hemicycle.

“The clothes do not make the deputy”, replied the group of LFI deputies on Friday and the LFI deputy Louis Boyard demanded “the ban on costumes at indecent prices”, regretting that certain deputies “allow themselves to wear in Hemicycle outfits that are more and more expensive”. Sunday, even Jean-Luc Mélenchon, from Bogota where he is traveling, went there with his comment in a post on his blog: “Good gentlemen and good ladies denounce our behavior, want to teach us good manners and good clothes. . Yet they do not know this: these outfits they castigate are our Sunday clothes. But many of those who watch know how much it is because they are dressed in the same on this day, ”he wrote.

Yaël Braun-Pivet also indicated that she was going to sanction the majority deputy Rémy Rebeyrotte, who had made a Nazi salute in the hemicycle. He had explained that he wanted to go up to one of his RN colleagues that he should not make such a gesture himself. “I received the MP who made a very inappropriate gesture last week. And I will pronounce the sanction he deserves, ”said the President of the National Assembly.

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