Will it rain, will it be a sunny day or will it get cold this Tuesday, October 22?, Here it is weather forecast for the next few hours in Bogotá.
In Bogotá it is expected a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 9 degrees Celsius.
As for the rain, The probability of precipitation for this city is 92% during the day and 60% at night.
In the same sense, cloudiness will be 97% during the day and 96% during the night. Although gusts of wind They will reach 20 kilometers per hour during the day and 11 kilometers per hour at night.
Be careful in the sun, ultraviolet rays are expected to reach level up to 5.

Being located in the mountain range of Eastern Colombia, that is, in the Andean zone of the country, The city of Bogotá has a predominantly cold and dry climate.
he Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) says that Bogotá a average temperature of 13.1 degrees Celsius.
During the day, the maximum temperature It is between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius; and at night, the low temperature It decreases between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius.
However, at the beginning of the year, the temperature drops to minus 5 degrees Celsius.
Bogotá has two marked rainy seasons: from March to June and from September to December, April being the month with the most rain. During these times, everything from torrential rains to hail and electric shocks occur.
For his part, the dry season It lasts from January to February, as well as from July to August, and the first month of the year is the driest. During these times the days are sunny and warm, with blue skies and few clouds.

The weather in Colombia is very diversehe climate is affected by its geographical complexity such as the coasts of the Caribbean Sea to the north, the current of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the mountain ranges it crosses through the center from north to south.
According to the IDEAM there are at least four types of climate in the country: high tropical mountains, dry, temperate and cold.
In the case of the tropical climatefour subtypes are recognized: rainforest or equatorial, rainforest or monsoon, savanna with dry winter and savanna with dry summer.
he tropical or equatorial rainforest It covers areas such as the center and north of the Amazon, the entire Pacific Region, parts of Antioquia, western Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca, the Catatumbo area and the foothills of the Amazon. Although the tropical rainforest or monsoon It reaches the foothills and southern extremes of the Caribbean region.
The savanna with dry winter It includes most of the Caribbean and Orinoquia region, as well as the lower sectors of Santander and Antioquia. Regarding the savanna with dry summer. it places the inter-Andean valleys of Tolima, Huila, Valle, Cauca and Nariño.
Two dry climatein Colombia they see the arid or very hot desert and very hot semi-arid or steppe. The first is detected in the upper part of Guajira and the second in the middle and lower zone of the same department plus the Caribbean coastal sectors.
he temperate climate It is found in the middle and lower areas of the three mountain ranges of the country of Colombia; and the cold mountain highas the name suggests, in the upper levels of the three mountain ranges.
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