2024-10-09 23:00:00
Although it is a very current topic, the majority of the population does not know about it requirements to donate blood. For this reason, in countries like Mexico, participation is very low and when this practice is implemented it is out of obligation and not out of altruism.
Just to put it in perspective, just in our country one in 100 blood donations are made on one’s own initiative. While the rest are satisfied when there is a hospitalized patient, a family member or an acquaintance who needs the transfusion.
To understand its importance blood donation It is necessary to remember that only 450 milliliters are enough to save three lives. Furthermore, the donor himself also receives benefits because before the operation he undergoes a short medical examination to check his condition.
What are the requirements for donating blood?
In Mexico they exist 556 blood banks enabled to perform this noble action which can last from 50 minutes to an hour. To participate it is not enough to have the will to help, but the following mandatory requirements must be met pursuant to art IMSS.
- Be between 18 and 65 years old
- Minimum weight 50 kilograms
- Have, in general terms, good health
- Not having had any surgery in the last six months
- Not having had any tattoos, piercings or acupuncture in the last twelve months
- Not having suffered from infections such as hepatitis B or C, HIV-AIDS, Chagas disease or syphilis
- Do not suffer from epilepsy, tuberculosis or serious heart disease
- Not having received organ transplants
- Do not use intravenous or inhaled medications
- Women: Do not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- In the 5 days before the donation do not take painkillers
- Not having consumed alcoholic beverages in the last 48 hours
- On the day of donation: do not have a cough, cold, headache or abdominal pain
- You can come to the donation after a light breakfast (fruit and coffee)
What is a blood transfusion for?
In addition to knowing the requirements to donate blood It is important to know what the liquid obtained is used for.
- Treatment of hemorrhagic diseases
- Bleeding disorders due to deficiencies of clotting factors
- Haemophilia
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Surgical interventions for patients who need to restore the clotting process
Main myths about blood donation
- You should donate blood only in case of disasters or wars: While blood is needed in these types of extreme situations, it is actually needed year-round. Altruistic blood is safer than blood donated for replacement or emergency.
- Diabetics cannot donate blood: Yes, they can do it, but as long as they don’t consume insulin.
- Donating blood makes you gain or lose weight: It’s completely false. When donating, between 400 and 450 milliliters are donated, an amount that does not cause changes in the body.
- Donating blood weakens the body: This is false, although the truth is that it causes slight fatigue but only requires a little rest. 24 hours after extraction, the body recovers the volume of lost fluids.
- Donating blood causes pain: The pain threshold varies for each person. Currently the material with which the extraction is performed is designed to cause as little pain as possible.
- People with tattoos or piercings cannot donate blood: This is one of the biggest myths there is. One of the requirements to donate blood is that at least six months have passed since the donor got a tattoo or piercing.
Read also:
#requirements #donating #blood