What do vitamins do for health? – Health newspaper

by time news

Opinions are very divided on this subject. Some claim that you absolutely do not need to take extra vitamins. Or that it is even harmful. It is also said that you cannot do without extra vitamin intake and that it is crucial for health. So that requires some clarification.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are nutrients for the body that are absolutely indispensable. The body needs them to grow properly, but also to stay healthy. Of course, this also happens through nutrients such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates. However, there is a difference with vitamins. The body also gets energy from the above nutrients. When it comes to vitamins, we can distinguish thirteen types. Most of them are not produced by the body itself. It is necessary to get them from the diet. Vitamins are present in food, but only in very small amounts. However, if people eat healthy and varied enough, there is a very good chance that they will get enough vitamins.

Vitamine A

What does vitamin A do for health? This vitamin is very important for the resistance. A strong immune system, enough iron in the blood and healthy mucous membranes are created. In addition, this vitamin protects against an abundance of free radicals. Vitamin A certainly does a lot for the health of a person. This vitamin is produced for a very small part by the body itself. Furthermore, it is supplemented by foods such as fish, liverwurst, bananas and carrots.

Vitamine B

Vitamin B can be divided into B2, B3, B6, B8 and B12. If people need this vitamin extra, they usually take a vitamin B complex. These vitamins are important for the nervous system. These vitamins are also important for hair and skin. If brittle and quickly breaking nails develop, there is often a deficiency of vitamin B. B12 only comes from meat, dairy, fish and eggs. People who eat vegan should therefore actually take supplements to stay healthy.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also an indispensable vitamin. People who spend a lot of time outside quickly have enough of this vitamin. It is crucial for healthy muscles, strong bones and healthy teeth. Vitamin D is mainly produced thanks to sunlight as a major source. Furthermore, there is a lot of this vitamin present in oily fish. In winter it can be difficult to get enough of this vitamin. If that’s the case, then people really need to take care of a supplement. Especially the elderly, small children and pregnant women. Useful are, for example, vitamin D gel caps. It is important to pay attention to the quantity. If the intake is too large, nausea or fatigue can occur.

Vitamin C

This is perhaps the most well-known vitamin. This helps when people are sick. The resistance improves thanks to vitamin C. The absorption of iron also remains at a good level. Real vitamin C bombs include strawberries, kiwis, oranges, red bell peppers, broccoli and kale.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K ensures proper clotting of the blood. This allows wounds to heal quickly and bones and blood vessels remain healthy. Vitamin K is mostly obtained from food. Rich sources include broccoli, spinach, grains and dairy. People who take antibiotics for a long time often need extra vitamin K.

Vitamins E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, just like vitamin A. Vitamin E also protects the body against substances that damage cells and tissues in the body. Furthermore, the skin remains strong and healthy. Vitamin E cannot be produced by the body itself. It is therefore important to eat enough fruit, whole grain products and vegetables.

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