What does it mean to eat 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve? Here we tell you

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Soon the New Year and one of the rituals famous in Mexico to receive it is eating grapesbut what does it mean to eat 12 grapes? Here we tell you.

2024 is about to end and a new one will come: the 2025. A Year from which many positive things are expected such as health, work and, therefore, money, as well as prosperity, among many other things.

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To welcome the New Year, many people tend to perform rituals, such as taking out a suitcase during the transition, putting on colored underwear, putting seeds in their wallet, among others.

One of the most popular rituals in Mexico es: eat 12 grapes to receive the New Year.

Photo: Cuartoscuro/Archive | A merchant carries a bunch of grapes.

What does it mean to eat 12 grapes?

According to tradition, this dates back to 1909 in Spain. According to the historythe grape producers, as a joke, made their family consume this fruit quickly, since that was a year of great harvest but little demand.

Currently, this tradition became a ritual in Mexico, mainly to receive the New Year. This consists of eat 12 grapes to the beat of the 12 bells that mark midnight.

According to tradition, each grape means each month of the year, that is, 12 grapes equal 12 months. Likewise, they represent a desire or purpose that you want to fulfill for next year.

Photo: Cuartoscuro/Archive | Sales of grapes for New Year’s in a market in Mexico.

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Although this is one of the most popular rituals, those who perform it are also urged to take precautions, since excessive and rapid consumption could cause suffocation, mainly in minors.

So if you perform this traditional ritual, you should do it as calmly as possible and eat the grapes properly, always chewing them.

Already knowing the above, the meaning of grapes, as well as the precautions that must be taken, and with 2025 on the horizon, we wish you happy holidays. May your purposes, desires and goals be fulfilled for this New Year.


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