What does the orange signal mean that nobody understands: the DGT explains it

by time news

In Spain there are around 400 road signs. Some are well known, since they are seen daily and you could live that you practically live with them. Some of the most common are those that indicate the maximum speed of the road. Despite how recurrent these notices are, the fines for exceeding this excess are among the most common in Spain, therefore, with half of Spain going on vacation, the Ministry of the Interior recalls the sanctions that speed violations can entail.

However, there are other signs that are not so common to see and are not so familiar and, therefore, with the passage of time, their meanings are forgottensince it will surely have been several years since you had to study them to get your driver’s license until this moment when you pack your bags and take the car to go on vacation to the beach.

For this reason, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) recalls on these dates those more unknown indications, although they are still important.

One of them is a horizontal one with an orange background and in which a car, a truck and a motorcycle appear with an icon normally associated with a radar. In addition, below these representations, it indicates a certain distance in kilometers.

Although its meaning may be difficult to interpret, the reality is that it is very simple. “This sign warns of the proximity of dangerous road sections, with high accident/mortality rates associated with speeding. In these sections the speed can be controlled at some point with mobile radars », as explained by the DGT itself through its social networks.

Following traffic directions is essential to reduce accidents on the roads.

So far this year, and until the month of August, they have died in traffic accidents 667 personasas specified by the DGT.

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