What is happening in Culiacán today, October 15? They find 5 bodies on the Culiacán-Mazatlán Maxipista

by times news cr

In recent weeks, various violent events have been reported in Culiacán, Sinaloa, given the alleged territorial struggle between two criminal groups in the area; we tell you What’s happening today, October 15, in the city.

It is reported that today, October 15 5 bodies were found on the Culiacán-Mazatlán Maxipista, which were found by the Mexican Army, after reports made to emergencies since the night of Monday the 14th.

Likewise, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Sinaloa reported that the report of complaints from October 14 indicates 8 victims of intentional homicide, 22 reports of robbery and 9 of deprivation of liberty.

Below we will tell you what is happening today, October 15, in Culiacán, Sinaloa, in the midst of the climate of violence that Mexico is going through, where 5 states are identified as the most dangerous in the country.

Culiacán, Sinaloa today, October 15: 5 bodies found on the Culiacán-Mazatlán Maxipista

This morning, October 15, it was reported that 5 people were found dead on the shore of the Culiacán-Mazatlán Maxipista, at kilometer 118, in the town of La Laguna de Canachi, in Baila, south of Culiacán.

The discovery was confirmed by elements of the army of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), after the 911 emergency service was notified of the discovery on the night of Monday the 14th.

In photographs circulating on social networks, you can see the bodies of the 5 victims of the crime, four of them are semi-naked and all of them have head trauma visible to the naked eye.

Elements from the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Sinaloa went to the area to carry out the corresponding procedures.

Culiacán, Sinaloa today, October 15: Authorities report crimes committed in the last 24 hours

For its part, the Sinaloa Prosecutor’s Office gave the report of crimes reported on Monday, October 14, in Culiacán, and the central region of the state.

As indicated, they were Five investigation folders opened for the crime of intentional homicidefrom which they derive eight male victimswhich were located in:

  • Two of them in the Costa Rican receivership
  • One in the Santa Fé subdivision
  • Another person at General Hospital
  • A male in the Villa del Real subdivision
  • A person in Villa Universidad
  • A man in the Progreso neighborhood
  • Two people located in the town of El Chirimole, in the municipality of Elota

Likewise, it was reported that in the Specialized Unit in Vehicle TheftCentral Region, were formalized 22 complaints, which were duly recorded in the investigation folder.

While the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Forced Disappearance of Persons reported nine complaints in the municipality of Culiacán for the crime of deprivation of personal liberty.

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