What Is The Best Home Remedy For Burning Mouth Syndrome; Burning mouth syndrome is caused by deficiency of which vitamin?

by times news cr

If there is a burning sensation in the mouth or the tongue feels heavy during menopause, then these can be signs of burning mouth syndrome. Its treatment is easy, but delay in treatment can increase the problem.

Burning mouth syndrome is also one of the problems faced by women during menopause. Most women do not know about this. Ankura Hospital, Pune Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Madhulika Singh She is telling the reason and remedy for burning mouth syndrome occurring during menopause.

What is burning mouth syndrome?

Dr. Madhulika Singh says that during menopause, many women come complaining that their tongue has become dry and heavy and they sweat a lot. Seeing the signs, the doctor understands that the woman is suffering from burning mouth syndrome. Then the doctor advises them to take Vitamin B6 supplement. This gives them relief.
Deficiency of estrogen hormone and vitamin B6 during menopause causes burning mouth syndrome. Taking Vitamin B6 supplement reduces the problem of burning mouth. Doctors also advise many women to take zinc supplements.

Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome

If a woman is suffering from burning mouth syndrome then she should drink more water. Do not eat spicy and acid producing things. Stay away from alcohol. Doctors also advise drinking turmeric water. Turmeric works as an antibiotic and improves metabolism rate.

Get treatment for burning mouth syndrome quickly

Burning mouth is a post menopausal problem. If it is not treated on time, the woman starts feeling restless and nervous and faces difficulty in talking. Burning mouth syndrome is very easy to treat. Only Vitamin B6 supplement has to be taken, but take it only on the advice of the doctor. Do not take any medicine without knowing the cause of mouth burning.

Change lifestyle and diet

If you suffer from burning mouth syndrome after menopause, then change your lifestyle and diet. Include those things in your diet which contain Vitamin B6. Include green vegetables, dry fruits, coarse grains, eggs, milk, curd and other milk products in your diet. Due to this, there is no deficiency of Vitamin B6 in the body. Besides, metabolism also remains good.
Metabolism decreases with increasing age. Including coarse grains in the diet is beneficial. This is gluten free. It contains plenty of fiber and calcium. It gives energy to the body, hence after 40, make a habit of eating coarse grains. Being physically active keeps the body healthy and you feel positive and happy. Women can avoid burning mouth syndrome by changing physical activity and diet.

live for yourself after 40

Many women after 40 remain sad because now they have nothing to do. The children have grown up. Are away from home in another city or abroad for studies or career. Husband is busy with his work. Now no one needs them in the house. But instead of being sad, one can also think that now all the responsibilities of the family have been fulfilled. Life after this is yours to live.

After 40, women can fulfill their hobbies. She can do the work which she could not do due to household responsibilities. Don’t think about what you are not able to do. Think what can be done in this free time.
Pay attention to your diet and fitness. Get your body checkup done every 6 months or 1 year. Women who are physically active do not suffer from burning mouth syndrome.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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