What is the first thing to do if a minor is kidnapped? Know the legal way to find him – if a minor is kidnapped know the legal way to find him

by times news cr

New Delhi: If a minor or an adult in the family or a relative goes missing/kidnapped, then one gets worried. The first few hours after a disappearance are extremely crucial. At the same time, the family members themselves investigate nearby or possible places at their own level. When no clue is found, a complaint is lodged with the police after several hours have passed or the next day. Time is spent in completing the necessary formalities before reaching the police station and filing the complaint. That also increases the difficulty with delay in discovery. What to do if such a situation happens to you? What are your rights? How to complain to the police.

‘File a report immediately’

According to the police officer, as soon as you come to know about missing/kidnapping, first of all call 112 without any delay or contact the police immediately. You don’t need to wait for time to file a missing report. The sooner you inform the police, the sooner the search can begin. Keep complete details about minor/adult with yourself. While filing complaint, share as much identifying information as possible including appearance, physical marks, clothes of the minor/adult. Try to take three photographs with you.

‘Give list of relatives and friends’

The police keeps 16 copies of passport size, 3 large size and 6 postcard size photographs. Along with name, also provide information about surnames. Physical details, which include information like height, weight, age, hair color, eye color, body shape etc. Provide information about the clothes and shoes you were last seen wearing. List of items owned by the minor, such as wearing articles, spectacles, contact lenses, purse, wallet, ID card, whatever. Scars, tattoos and other identifying information. Share the list of relatives or friends of the missing with contact information. The minor was on foot, in a car or some other vehicle. Write this also.

…then a complaint is filed directly for kidnapping.

According to the police officer, in case of a ‘missing’ person below the age of 18 years, the complaint is filed directly for kidnapping. A case is registered in the police station under kidnapping under section 137(2) of BNS (IPC 363). After registering a kidnapping case, first of all the photo and details are uploaded on ZIPNET (Zonal Integrated Police Network). This detail gets connected to the police of all the states. The IO in the case takes action according to the circumstances. If the child is above 18 years of age then a case of missing or kidnapping is registered. For this, you can go to the Delhi Police website or give an online complaint of missing on the police app.

What things to keep in mind

  • First call 112
  • Go to the nearest police station and lodge a complaint
  • Call Delhi Police helpline 1094, 23241210
  • Share complete information about missing/kidnap with police

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