what it is, what are the symptoms and how to prevent it – 2024-03-23 15:40:27

by times news cr

2024-03-23 15:40:27

The detection of this disease in the country has put health authorities on alert who are working to contain its spread.

The Seremi de Salud of the Coquimbo Region reported last Monday the presence of a confirmed case of dengue in the areanext to two suspects.

The situation is worrying, because In Coquimbo the presence of the mosquito has not been detected Aedes aegypti, vector which transmits and spreads the disease.

It was confirmed that the positive case corresponds to a traveler who arrived from Brazil and began showing symptoms during February.

Paola SalasSeremi of Health of Coquimbo said that the person did give PCR positive to dengue, and was confirmed by the Institute of Public Health (ISP).

On the other hand, the other two suspected cases are known to one also has a travel history to Brazil, and the other is a Brazilian citizen who just arrived in Chile.

During the same dayit was decreed Yellow Alert in the Arica and Parinacota Region because they were found specimens of this mosquito vector in about 14 homes.

What is dengue?

Dengue is a viral febrile illness transmitted by the bite of the Aedes Aefypti mosquito. This happens when the insect feeds on the blood of a sick person and when it bites other people, it transmits it.

Its peculiarity is that contagion occurs mainly due to mosquito bites, never directly from one person to another. Neither through objects, nor even through breast milk.

The mosquito is dark color with white stripes and spots. It is commonly bred in containers with water and it is the female who is responsible for the transmission of diseases, since the male does not feed on blood.


According to data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), currently in the world there are almost three million infected with dengue. Furthermore, nearly 500 million people in the Americas They are at risk of contracting it.

What are your symptoms?

The infection also can be asymptomaticbut in the case of presenting symptoms, These would be fever (38º or more)what may be accompanied by:

  • Headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and/or joint pain.
  • Persistent nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Intense fatigue.
  • Intense and continuous abdominal pain.
  • Appearance of spots on the skin.
  • Itch.
  • Nose and/or gum bleeding.

How to protect ourselves from mosquito bites?

To prevent dengue, water deposits should be avoided that, as mentioned above, serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoesas well as the following tips:

  • Change the water frequently of animal waterers and vases.
  • Cover the containers with watereliminate the accumulated garbage in patios and outdoor areas, removing tires or storing them indoors.
  • Use suitable repellents in uncovered areas of the body.
  • Wear appropriate clothing, long-sleeved shirts and long pants. as long as you can.
  • Wash and brush tanks and pools.
  • Pierce the tires located in playgrounds that may contain stagnant water during rain events.
  • Fill disused septic tanks with earthdrains and abandoned latrines.
  • Collect garbage and waste solids in vacant properties and lots and try to keep the yard clean.

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