what it is, why it occurs, symptoms and treatment

by time news

Generally, when talking about bruxism, everything is limited to a pathology caused by the stress and nerves. However, bruxism is a complex disorder that goes further and far from only affecting the teeth, it can cause headache, migraines and even pain in the spine.

Dr. Patricia Palma

  • Dentist and founder of P&P Clinic. Specialized in Surgery, Implants and Dental Aesthetics.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is the unconscious habit of grinding and clenching the teeth. Its origin arises in an area of ​​the brain which is called nigro-striatal substance, where hyperactivity of the masticatory muscles is caused. Although it is possible that bruxism whether day or night, It usually occurs more frequently during sleeping hours.

sweets and candies

What are the most common causes that cause it?

It has a multifactorial origin, among which the physical, psychological and genetic factors. Stress, anxiety or accumulated tension are one of the main reasons when a person triggers this behavior. However, malocclusion of the teeth or the presence of respiratory disorders during sleep are also common causes.

Teeth whitening

Dental consequences that can generate

Added to constant pain in the facial muscles and teethbruxism can also cause other dental problems such as acute hypersensitivitysince by clenching the teeth for a long period of time, they can wear down causing them to chip and generate significant pain in the area.

Another of its consequences is the hypersensitivity of the teeth to sensations of cold, heat or sweet foods and the aesthetic change suffered by the pieces when they wear out completely and lose their shape.

In addition to the damage caused to oral health, bruxism can also generate neck pain, headache, insomnia and an increase in the size of the masseter muscles.

white tongue

How can bruxism be remedied?

To prevent bruxism from developing into more severe complications, it is essential to see a professional. The main treatment to treat it is discharge splint. This personalized device adapts to the person’s teeth, preventing the patient from grinding their teeth and thereby damaging their structure.

In case the bruxism is caused by the dental malocclusion, Invisible orthodontic treatment could also be decisive, since this method allows the occlusion to be balanced so that some teeth do not wear more than others.

Manual toothbrushes do not remove all interdental dirt and bacteria from our mouth.

If bruxism has already damaged oral health and the teeth have worn down, another good solution may be the treatment of dental veneers, a method capable of recovering lost dental aesthetics. These composite or porcelain sheets They are placed on top of the teeth and can modify size, shape, close spaces and cover any fracture, stain or imperfection caused by this habit.

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