What traditions existed around childbirth in Mexico?

by time news

2023-08-30 13:39:35

Upon learning of her pregnancy, the woman participates in a series of popular beliefs and carries out some care and practices in order to enjoy a healthy gestation period and achieve an easy delivery, since it is an act that is surrounded by fear. . In Mexico, the beliefs and customs associated with pregnancy and childbirth are many and have accumulated over the years. Next, we are going to explain some of the main ones.

At all times, the beliefs and practices that revolve around pregnancy and childbirth are included by cultural factors, with such deep roots that medical anthropology has shown that it is easier to achieve changes in health practice than in beliefs. and attitudes not only about pregnancy and the time of delivery, but also about the etiology and control of the disease.

Previously, childbirth took place at home.

Previously, childbirth took place at the woman’s home. In advance, the midwife was called, in whom complete trust had been placed from the beginning of the pregnancy. In addition to her, the relatives of the woman in labor made her fight so that the moment of delivery was a success, using both physical means and magical and religious precepts.

For the moment of childbirth, a popular custom was to use a kneeling position. Although over the years, women adopted other positions for the act of giving birth, such as sitting in a special chair, and already into the 19th century, the lithology position was also put into practice.

The use of religious motifs was widespread

In Mexico, for a birth to be successful, the use of Palo de Fresno, horse excrement dissolved in wine, the candles of Our Lady of Consolation, Our Lady of Light and those of San Ramón Nonato (and also those of San Ramón Nonato) were very common. the medals of this saint).

What is clear is that beliefs and customs around pregnancy and childbirth can fall into the category of informally transmitted elements, where it is surprising that Spanish forms predominate among mestizo circles and acculturated Indian groups, because, Because it is a sector of “feminine culture”, it could be expected that the native women would continue the practices of their own customs and perpetuate them within that mestizo population.

#traditions #existed #childbirth #Mexico

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