What Vitamins Are Bad For Kidney Health, 4 Vitamins can make the kidney smaller by drying it, the urine pipe will shrink, water will start accumulating inside – 4 vitamins to avoid in kidney disease which can decrease kidney size and function – 2024-03-23 17:25:00

by times news cr

2024-03-23 17:25:00
How To Keep Kidney Healthy: If you are struggling with problems like urination related problems, fatigue, itching, weight loss or loss of appetite, then you should think a hundred times before taking some vitamins. These vitamins can prove dangerous for you. Because these problems are related to kidney disease. In such a situation, high levels of some vitamins can quickly damage the kidneys.

Early symptoms of kidney failure: Foam in urine, excessive or less urine output, itchy skin, feeling tired, nausea, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, shortness of breath, vomiting, numbness in hands, feet and ankles, insomnia and body odor. It may be possible that the kidneys have started deteriorating or have been damaged.

Like deficiency, excess of these vitamins makes kidney disease serious. Some research suggests that due to these diseases being dangerous, the kidney’s nephrons get damaged and their size starts decreasing. Which is called kidney atrophy.

These vitamins can even kill you

A lot of research has been done on kidney health. After studying these, the National Kidney Foundation (ref.) said that if your kidneys are bad or you have related diseases, then you should talk to your doctor before taking vitamin A, E and K supplements. Some research has also shown Vitamin D to be dangerous. Due to these, premature death can also occur.

Vitamin A

High levels of Vitamin A are seen in kidney disease. Therefore, even taking it in small quantities can cause toxicity. Due to this, vision can deteriorate, bone pain, skin changes, liver damage and increased pressure on the brain can occur. Eggs, green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange vegetables, fish are foods rich in Vitamin A.

These signs scream about illness

Symptoms of Kidney Disease: Do not ignore these 6 signs, kidney damage may occur!

Vitamin E

In chronic kidney disease, vitamin E can accumulate and cause toxicity. Due to this bleeding may increase. Along with this, there may be problems like thyroid, weakness, emotional disorder, gastrointestinal problems etc. Therefore, before taking Vitamin E supplement, get checked by a doctor. Seeds, almonds, walnuts, avocado etc. contain high vitamin E.

Vitamin K

Like deficiency of Vitamin K, excess of Vitamin K is also dangerous. If dialysis is going on due to kidney disease, there is a risk of vitamin K toxicity. You can talk to the doctor about its disadvantages. It is found in abundance in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.

Vitamin D

Supplements can lead to excess vitamin D. Due to this, the absorption of calcium increases significantly. In kidney patients, calcium can accumulate and form stones. This vitamin is found in sunlight, milk, cod liver oil, fish, eggs and mushrooms.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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