“Who wants to be a millionaire”: Telephone Joker paralyzes Günther Jauch’s show Entertainment

by time news

2023-04-25 02:56:48

Even Günther Jauch (66) was not prepared for this scenario …

The telephone joker from “Who wants to be a millionaire?” candidate Frances Schoppe-Müller paralyzed the quiz show for minutes on Monday evening. The moderator didn’t even get the helper on the line. What was happening?

The gambler from Wismar had already worked her way to the 125,000 euro question. For the proud sum, Jauch wanted to know: “Anyone who wants to start training with the Federal Police needs at least which grades on their last school report?” A: Politics: 1, Maths: 2, B: Maths: 2, Sports: 3, C: Sports: 3, German: 4 (correct) or D: German: 4, History: 5.

His candidate was able to rule out A and D, but wasn’t sure otherwise and had to draw a joker. Schoppe-Müller called a friend. Her hope: Maybe he knows someone who works for the police. But what followed has never happened before on the quiz show.

The whole thing didn’t start well. While Günther Jauch was still thinking about how he could prepare the young man for the question, the dial tone could be heard, followed by a beep. The presenter quipped: “What was that? The federal police are listening in.” After that, the line was busy.

At Jauch, the first helplessness spread. “Everything’s cut, hm.” His assumption when the second attempt also failed: “He doesn’t seem to have raised the monthly rate for his mobile phone in the short term.” The director decided: “We’ll try another phone number from him.”

Jauch only gets the Joker’s grandmother on the phone

In fact, this time the moderator got someone on the line, but not the acquaintance of his candidate. An elderly lady answered the other end. “Yes, hello?” It was the young man’s grandma. Jauch joked: “Is he near you or is he not allowed to answer the phone alone?”

The elderly suspected the grandson on the upper floor. “He lives here with me.” You could hear Jauch’s interlocutor calling for the woman of the wanted person. “Esther, where is Basti? It’s Mr. Jauch on the phone.”

In the studio there was already a lot of laughter about the hustle and bustle. But the telephone joker remained missing. His grandmother now believed: “He’s probably with his parents after all. They also live here in town.” Very excited, she even gave a phone number that the editors had to beep over. Jauch on his farewell: “Thank you very much for the help. Someone will get in touch more often now.”

The family circumstances of the telephone joker remained a mystery to him. Candidate Frances Schoppe-Müller enlightened the moderator. Her friend lives in a granny flat with grandma, but went to her parents’ house because of the quiz show. His cell phone has better reception there. Unfortunately in vain.

When the “No connection under this number” sign sounded on the fourth attempt, Jauch clapped his hands over his head. “Now we’re done.”

No matter how hard his staff tried, it wasn’t to be that evening. The “ Who wants to be a millionaire” candidate was allowed to call an acquaintance whose tip vaguely tended towards B. Too uncertain for Frances Schoppe-Müller. She got out and took home 64,000 euros.

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