Why does rock art affect us so much?

by time news

2024-01-30 11:17:13

Welcome to the Préhistomania exhibition which reveals the impressive surveys, masterpieces, that humans have painted, drawn and engraved on the walls of caves, since Prehistory and on all continents. What do prehistoric artists tell us?

Why does this cave art touch us so much? Both so distant and so close, so ancient and so modern… so immediately beautiful and so universal and above all alive… Welcome to the heart of the exhibition Prehistomania at the Musée de l’Homme in Paris which reveals the very impressive rock art surveys carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. In the caves of the African continent, these life-size drawings represent animals (giraffes, elephants) as well as complex scenes and even human silhouettes. These paintings were a shock, a revelation, for everyone who saw them, starting with the artists. And it is the merit of this exhibition to once again allow us to see the magnificent depictions of these masterpieces that are today inaccessible, disappeared, or even forgotten…


– Egidia Souto, lecturer at the University, where she teaches African heritage, literature and art history

Jean-Louis Georgetprofessor of Germanic Studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University-University of Cultures, specialist in the colonial history of Germany in Africa and Asia.

The exhibition Prehistomania, discovering rock art records which is held at the Musée de l’Homme until May 20, 2024.

Report from Caroline Filliette at the Museum of Man with Richard Kuba, curator of the exhibition.

#rock #art #affect

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