Why is humiliation a poison?

by time news

Published on : 31/05/2022 – 14:30Modified : 31/05/2022 – 14:33

Why is humiliation a poison, destroyer of life and humanity? At the source of so much individual and collective suffering, of endless wars, humiliation is now also distilled on social networks… How far and how to implement a less humiliating society?

Let’s ask ourselves about a poison that plagues our lives and our societies: humiliation, which we don’t talk about or talk about so little…at the source of so many war conflicts of individual and collective suffering, and of so much injustice , generator of all the violence and the worst resentment. How to measure the extent of the phenomenon? Its historical but also economic, political and social depth? How has the humiliation, in the face of which we are so helpless, invaded so many spheres of our lives and even our institutions? Would it be possible to implement less humiliating societies? And why is this vital?

with the philosopher Olivier Abel for his work Of humiliation: the new poison of society, published by Editions Les Liens qui liberating

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