Woman left her car running and they tried to steal it

by times news cr

In Miami, a woman experienced a terrifying situation when a thief tried to steal her car while she made a brief stop at a gas station.

This is Amanda Roman, who when entering the convenience store to buy a snack, left her vehicle running and with the doors unlocked, which would facilitate the criminal’s action.

As soon as he entered, he noticed a man who had been hanging around the gas station and observed how he was behaving suspiciously.

Suddenly, while he was inside the store, Roman watched in horror as the thief got into his Kia and took him away. “The next thing I knew, I looked to the side and my car was screeching in the street.”he related.

Despite the speed with which Miami authorities acted, it was the efficient Kia application on Roman’s phone that allowed him to locate his car in minutes.

“Luckily, I have the Kia app, so I was able to track my car from there,” he explained.

Within ten minutes, police located the vehicle, while the suspect, identified as Rogelio Ernesto Morales, was arrested shortly after after being seen driving recklessly.

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With an ugly lesson learned (but a lesson nonetheless) the woman reflected on her experience, underlining the importance of not leaving the vehicle with the engine running in public places.

It should be noted that his vehicle was not damaged, but the scare left its mark. “It was definitely a bad decision on my part to leave the car running. “Now it is a lesson for my future and I will not do it again,” he added.

Morales, 41, faces multiple charges, including theft and traffic violations, while Amanda breathes a sigh of relief to see that her car is back in her possession.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

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