You didn’t know! Learn the history of the first toilet paper

by times news cr

In every home in the world, there is a product considered a basic that cannot be missed and is the toilet paper.

Used for various tasks, some very personal and others not so much, the toilet paper must always comply with a quality standard which includes several aspects to please the consumers.

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The industry of toilet paper is huge and has evolved over the years to improve the quality, strength and softness of the product, but, according to Profecoits beginnings were not so spectacular. Here we will tell you the history of this important and widely used product.

Photo: Special

Toilet paper in ancient times

According to information released by the Federal Consumer Attorney (Profeco), los greeks and the Romans they used stones, sponges and leaves of some plants (tied to a stick that remained submerged in a bucket of salt water or water with vinegar) to clean them after relieving themselves.

The use of paper for this activity is considered to have emerged in China; According to written evidence, its use is already mentioned in the 6th century before our era; However, some evidence was found in excavations that they also used a bamboo stick o wood wrapped in cloth.

In Americathere are records that the ancient inhabitants of what is today Mexico they used kernel-free corn on the cob to clean oneself; in areas near the sea they used shells; while, in Hawai the use of coconut shell for the poor and cotton and lace for the rich.

During the height of the Yuan dynastyin 1391, the use of sheets of paper for after going to the bathroom, but the mass production was given until 19th century.

Toilet paper as we know it today

Over the years, the paper industry replaced the use of sheets of newspapers and magazines for personal hygiene after going to the bathroom, in 1857, Joseph Gayettihad a great idea that revolutionized the industry of this essential.

After carrying out several experiments, Gayetti obtained the perfect material that revolutionized the market, a piece of paper made from plant fiber dissolved with water and other chemicals and dyes that gave it the white color that we know.

Gayetti He put his discovery up for sale under the name “Gayetti therapeutic role” in a packaging 500 sheets specials added with moisturizer that cost 5 cents.

You didn’t know! Learn the history of the first toilet paper
Photo: Special

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In 1890, the company Scott took this invention to another level and released the rolled version for its marketing but the packaging had no name, so some intermediaries They appropriated it.

In 1932, the brand Charmin introduced the roll version in a four-piece package to the market and the firm St. Andrews launched the double-sheet paper; From then on, the challenge for the toilet paper industry has been to achieve the greatest softness and resistance of the market.

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