You have no idea, and may God grant that you never have, what is happening in the hearts of a mother and father suffering from longing for their son. Gegham Nazaryan (Video) – 2024-03-27 06:29:51

by times news cr

2024-03-27 06:29:51

The speech of Gegham Nazaryan, deputy of the NA “Armenia” faction, from the NA podium.

Once there were “heroes of socialist labor”. This title was awarded to the best of the workers. In any case, the idea was to identify, encourage, reward good workers. Another issue is that gradually the prize was awarded to those who were well versed in the in-law-acquaintance-friend formula.

Now the heroes of the socialist work have been replaced by the heroes of our time. Again the idea is the same, identify, motivate, reward the best workers.

In the Soviet Union, they would not tolerate those heroes of socialist work who would suddenly, recklessly and carelessly express themselves in the address of real heroes. At the very least, they would lose their rank.

Today, the hero of the work of our time announces.

“The Turks entered the territory that was theirs during the time of the Soviet Union, it is not the territory of Armenia”, “They won the war, they took ownership of their territories”.

Does the state, using public funds, organize an award ceremony and spend 300,000 dollars for the hero of our time to make such inadmissible statements?

Do we consider him a hero who claims that the territories adjacent to Jermuk or Sotk are Azerbaijani?

Should a hero of our time be disrespectful to real heroes and their parents?

The so-called hero of our time also said: “War has always had its victims, if the parents of every victim, like some parents, create a tragedy, the country cannot stand up.”

The country does not stand up because of the tears of a mother who misses her son at the grave of her 18-year-old son or at home, but because of those who do not see those tears. The country does not stand up when the real heroes are not respected, when the parents of the real heroes are not treated appropriately, when they are reckless and say that it was a war, but there should have been victims, what are you making a tragedy?

You have no idea, and God forbid you never will, what is going on in the hearts of a mother and father suffering from longing for their son. Be careful when talking about the characters, their parents, and the war.

Although the parents of real heroes suffer from longing every second, they do not create a tragedy, most of them live worthy of the exploits of their sons. Some of them have even become mothers again, teaching others how to overcome this nightmare. They build a park and a memorial spring with their own strength, dedicating it to everyone.

When we learn to respect the real hero, when we learn to respect the parents of the heroes, when we show their true place to those who spout nonsense about the heroes, their parents, the country, the state, the motherland, and instead of giving them an award or reward, the country will gradually stand up. :

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