Zan law on homotransphobia: what it is, what it provides and why it is so scary

by time news

Zan bill blocked in Parliament

The Zan Bill is triggering controversy and divisions in Parliament, also splitting the ‘progressive’ front with those who ask to amend some fundamental points related to “registered sex” or “gender self-certification”. The Zan law would like to introduce an aggravating circumstance for all those crimes against homosexual, transgender people or in any case committed in relation to sex, gender and other sensitive characteristics now not specifically protected by the legislation in force.

It was talked about in a webinar entitled Zan law against homotransphobia: why is it scary ?, organized by the Dire agency and moderated by the director Nico Perrone, who explained how the law was “approved in the House and stopped in the Senate where the clash has reignited and has not yet been scheduled”.

Pro Vita on the Zan law

The editorial director of Provita News, Francesca Romana Poleggi, argues that “the penal code is not needed, enough. This law scares not only Pro Vita e Famiglia, but all people who have a minimal civil sense of democracy, pluralism and freedom. This is a fascist law because it establishes a crime without a specific and precise definition of the case in point. The issue of disability, for example, was inserted at the last moment, exploiting the disabled in a squalid way because in article 1 it is not mentioned, it is in the title; Article 7, which establishes the Day, does not mention it. A bad patch worse than the hole “.

Zan law, the position of national Archilesbica

Cristina Gramolini, president of National Arcilesbica defines the Zan law as an amateurish text to be changed before approving. “I’m afraid of this law is the dimension of erroneous or generic definitions of sex, gender and gender identity. Disability was put to grease the mechanism and has nothing to do with it. It is surprising that Alessandro Zan, who comes from the world LGBT, and his staff have been able to draft such an amateurish text. I ask that there be a law on homotransphobia, but not like this. The text must be modified and approved “.

But, adds Gramolini, “I hope for a law on homotransphobia because I think it is a step forward that our associated life takes. Having it means sending a cultural message: the right to choose partners, to express oneself without running dangers. it was more protected if there was a law when I was a teenager, a worker ”.

Equality Italia: “Zan’s bill will be approved soon”

Aurelio Mancuso, president of Equality Italia says he is not “afraid of this law, which is part of a world framework that must give answers on hate crimes against minorities, let’s think of anti-Semitism, Roma, homophobia or transphobia. This is the cultural bed in which it is born. Violence must always be condemned, but it is true that there are some categories more affected by violence and discrimination. This law does not ask for a privilege and is useful, but as it is it will produce conflicts. approved well and soon. It serves gay, lesbian and trans boys who are often beaten and discriminated against even in their families “.

It is Aurelio Mancuso himself who examines the political question that is animating the debate on the Zan text. “In the Chamber of Deputies not everyone in the center-left agreed on the indeterminacy of Article 1, in Article 4 there was a further correction and the amendment proposed by the Institutional Affairs Commission was incorporated”. ‘accusation launched by Poleggi di Pro Vita that this law is fascist Mancuso replied: “I’m afraid of those who evoke fascism that homosexuals sent them to confinement”.

“You of Pro Vita think that there are straight and married Catholic families and all the others are without rights. You are opponents of the life of homo and transsexual people. You at Pro Vita have an idea of ​​an ‘angel of hearth’ about women. One thing is the constructive criticism that they want to do well with this law, another is you ”, Mancuso later said. “Be more Christian– he concluded- look at the suicide data to understand what the discriminated homosexual youth suffer“.

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