10 cities in the world where people can live longer!

by time news

A century ago, the average life expectancy was only 31 years.

Nowadays, it’s normal for grandparents to live into their 70s and still be going strong.

There are many factors we can thank for the increase in average life expectancy. There are various things like diet and lifestyle.

Extraordinary cities referred to as Blue Zones!

However, there are cities on Earth where it is not uncommon to live for over a hundred years.

In fact, it is considered a cultural ritual! These unusual places are referred to as blue zones.

And their citizens live more than 20 years on earth than we do.

The biggest finding of past studies is that lifestyle choices are more important than genes for longevity.

Let’s take a look at the top 15 places in the world with the longest average life expectancy.


  • It is a beautiful country located between France and Spain. It is a popular destination for skiers, and the country’s high GDP gives its citizens access to high-quality healthcare.

  • The average life expectancy of the country is approximately 82.8 years. Fresh mountain air is also a plus.

Campodimel, Italy

  • The average life expectancy of the country is 95 years. The city is located 80 miles south of Rome.

  • Being in the middle of the mountains is one of its important features.


  • Located off the coast of Normandy, this island has an average life expectancy of around 81 years. Their longevity is mainly due to low tax laws and high income.

  • For its residents, more money means better healthcare, quality food and drink, and more opportunities to travel.

Hong Kong

  • Clean air, high incomes, and a peaceful environment are not the only factors that make Hong Kong people live longer.

  • Their diet is also important. They eat boiled fish and vegetables.

  • Their average life span is 84 years.

10 cities in the world where people can live longer!  |  Where People Can Live Longer

Ikaria, Greece

  • It is said that “this island is where the people of this island have forgotten their lives”. It is noteworthy that Europe is home to many centenarians that cannot be found anywhere else.

  • And their healthy diet is the main reason for this.

  • They include more easily digestible foods such as fruits and vegetables, beans and olive oil.


  • Located northwest of Kyoto, Japan, the city has a population of 53,000 with a majority of people over the age of 80.
  • If you want to live a long, healthy life, eat little and rest.

Loma Linda California

  • The city is located on the outskirts of LA.

  • Residents of Loma Linda have been known to live past hundred years.

  • Their life expectancy is believed to be largely due to their diet of grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.


  • The city has an area of ​​21.74 square meters and is located on the border of China. The average life expectancy here is 81 years.


  • Morocco, the 2nd smallest country in the world, is also considered to be the country with the highest life expectancy in the world.

  • Their life span is 90 years.

Nicoya Venezuela.Costa Rica

  • Nicoya is famous for its beautiful beaches, amazing wildlife and residents who have lived for over a century.

  • Resting on their beaches contributes to their longevity.

10 cities in the world where people can live longer!  |  Where People Can Live Longer

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