A model

by time news

One of the most fancied sports in the world is the same ‘Football or Football’. Football has started rolling since November in the small and big country of an Arabian country, namely our Qatar, which has overcome many dramatic oppositions. Matches are in progress among the star players of football. Qatar, with its tradition of hospitality, has transformed the entire country, beautified it and provided all kinds of amenities for everyone. They used all their skills to equip the small roads right up to the stadium. He started making the guests happy by preparing all the facilities.

The Arabic word qatar means a ‘drop’. But these countries of the world stood with a twinkle in their eyes, seeing the hospitality given drop by drop to this ocean of love and faith. It has become the private property of Qatar that it has been able to unite human minds beyond a single ball. “When the whole world was inaugurated for the first time in the world by a small man, the whole world stood still for a moment when the world heard the words that we are all human beings who fight with each other from one father and one mother.

One of the most eye-catching events of the opening was the opening scene of Morgan Freeman and Ganeem Al Muftah. Freeman also asked, “How can all countries, languages, and cultures of this world be united if only one way is accepted?” To which Ghanim Al Muftah replied: “That is, God has created man in many ways to understand each other.” But as far back as human history we see tribal wars and religious rivalry. Either God is wrong, or God is a great liar. In order to understand each other, they create a system of enmity and beat each other. Freeman’s answer is clear. “Yes, I can see it here. What unites us here at this moment is greater than what divides us.”


One of the scenes during the opening ceremony at Al Bait Stadium

That’s the goal of this football game, the ‘concept’, the sportsman spirit. Football unites people of different races, castes, religions and colors. All sporting events become friendlies. Thus, Qatar has set an example for the world.


‘I am Ghanim Al Muftah. I am stunted below the waist with a rare condition called caudal regression syndrome. I have a disease that hinders the growth of the spine. But none of this bothered my parents. My name itself is proof of that, his name Ganim, which means warrior of the battlefield. I want to show the world that all dreams can come true if we have confidence.” Qatar has shown the world a great example through Ghanim Al Muftah.


Black Morgan Freeman and differently-abled Ghanim Muftah sat on the opening stage of the World Cup in Qatar, and it was the morale of many who were faced with racism that was weakened. By taking such a decision, Qatar became an example to the world.


On the same stage, Japan has shown its example. Japan is a country where cleanliness, humility, discipline and civic sense are taught in schools from childhood. After the football match, the Japanese returned by cleaning the stadium in Qatar and showing their example to the world. So each and every one of us can be proud of this football legend along with the world, which contains many exemplary behaviors and messages.

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