advised how to strengthen the body in the spring

by times news cr

2024-03-28 13:55:58

According to Agata Janovska, a family doctor at the Šeškina Polyclinic, although many people look forward to the warm weather, some people’s bodies have a hard time coping with this seasonal change. During this period, complaints about painful fatigue, lack of energy, and colds are increasing. Such health complaints are usually caused by weakened immunity during the winter period.

A more sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet are to blame

“In the cold season, people tend to spend their free time more passively, move less, the lifestyle becomes more sedentary, little time is spent in the fresh air. When you get less sunlight, the synthesis of vitamin D is disrupted, which leads to a general deterioration of well-being and weakened immunity.

In winter, people also tend to consume less fresh fruits and vegetables, and their diet is dominated by heat-treated, fattier foods, and refined carbohydrates. Thermally processed food is characterized by significantly lower amounts of the most important micro- and macro-elements and minerals, so the body can become weak due to the insufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins in the diet,” says A. Janovska.

According to the doctor, as a result of a poorer diet, disturbances in intestinal activity may also be noticed, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal bloating, and increased stomach acidity may occur. The good news is that spring is the season for green leafy vegetables and herbs, which contain beneficial substances and vitamins that can improve bowel function.

“These products are rich in vitamins and fiber substances that are extremely important for the body, which ensure good functioning of the digestive tract. It is equally important that the body does not lack good bacteria, which are necessary for smooth digestive activity. The latter are abundant in naturally fermented foods, such as kefir, yogurt or sauerkraut.

If these products are lacking in the diet, probiotics and prebiotic food supplements can be used. It’s no secret that good functioning of the digestive system also contributes to maintaining strong immunity, so a balanced diet pays off in two ways,” explains A. Janovska.

The importance of sleep for immunity is undeniable

According to A. Janovska, with the changing of the seasons, depressed mood, fatigue, lack of energy and lower resistance to colds can also be caused by a changing rest regime and, as a result, poor sleep quality.

“Longer days tempt you to go to bed later. People who sleep poorly or too little are more likely to catch colds than those who get enough sleep, so adults are advised to get 7-9 hours of sleep. per day. Sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining a strong immune system, it is also necessary for the smooth functioning of the nervous system, therefore it is very important to follow the work and rest regime during this period, it is advisable to always get up and go to bed at the same time”, emphasizes the doctor.

According to the doctor, both the quality of sleep and the work of the immune system are significantly improved by active activities: walks in the fresh air, various physical exercises.

“Physical activity isn’t just about building muscle and burning fat—it also helps maintain a healthy immune system.” Moderate-intensity training can activate immune cells and thus protect the body from disease, so it is recommended to spend at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. Regular physical activity also reduces the risk of other diseases and disorders, it is a good prevention for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or depression”, says A. Janovska.

Strengthening immunity is a long and consistent process

According to BENU pharmacist Loreta Tamošauskienė, many people feel the need to take extra care of their health in the spring. According to her, vitamins can effectively strengthen the body weakened after winter, but the latter should also be used only after properly assessing their need.

“When choosing food supplements, it is important to listen to the signals sent by the body. For example, if the corners of the lips are cracking, the hands are melting or constipation is painful, this may indicate a lack of B vitamins. Increased sensitivity of the skin may indicate a vitamin A deficiency, and in the presence of cramps, magnesium deficiency may be suspected. Feeling a lack of energy, apathy can betray that it is worth checking the level of ferritin and vitamin D in the body,” says the pharmacist.

L. Tamošauskienė emphasizes that food supplements can only help if a person also follows a proper work and rest regime and eats healthily. According to her, a balanced diet plays an even more important role than vitamins in strengthening immunity.

“Here it is important to pay attention to the measure, because the necessary food substances, if they are consumed too much, are also harmful. When eating, you should also think about the variety of nutrients and the right balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. You should also remember to drink at least two liters of water every day, eat as many vegetables, selenium, and zinc-rich products as possible, reduce the amount of saturated fat, and refrain from eating at least two hours before bedtime. Undoubtedly, a balanced diet will be more effective after giving up bad habits”, emphasizes the pharmacist.

According to L. Tamošauskienė, the best time to start taking care of your health is when you feel great and are not bothered by any ailments. It is precisely at this time that it is easiest to form habits that correspond to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The same applies to strengthening the body’s immunity with natural means and food supplements, because the activity of the immune system cannot be improved in just a few days. It takes time and consistent effort.

2024-03-28 13:55:58

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