Amazing: a Saturn moon ejected into space the largest column of water ever recorded to date

by time news

2023-06-01 19:20:28

Thanks to james webb space telescopeA team of scientists from NASA managed to detect the expulsion of water vapor from a frozen moon of Saturn, the largest ever recorded to date.

As explained by the aforementioned North American space agency through a statement, the column of material that was expelled by enceladusSaturn’s sixth largest moon, spanned no less than the length of 9,659 kilometerswhich is almost equivalent to distances between the cities of Los Angeles and Buenos Aires or between Mexico and Patagonia.

“When I was looking at the data, at first, i thought i had to be wrong. It was very shocking to detect a column of water more than 20 times the size of the Moon.said Gerónimo Villanueva, a member of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

“The water column extends well beyond its emission zone at the south pole. ANDIt is so large that it confirms the relationship of Enceladus with the distributionn of water in the form of ice in the rest of the Saturn system, con other moons and debris rings,” added the study’s lead author.

Beyond the gigantic size of the steam jet, another thing that caused a lot of surprise among the researchers was the high speed to which is expelled water vapor: about 300 liters per second

“At this rate, you could fill an olympic size swimming pool in just a couple of hours. By comparison, doing it with a garden hose on Earth it would take more than two weeks ”, warned from NASA.


And oceanic world of about 4% of the Earth’s surface, and only 504 kilometers wide, enceladus has each other that shoot water vapor and ice particles into outer space and has a huge salt water tank located between his frozen crust and its rock core, what make it occupy a place of privilege in the list of planets and satellites with high probabilities to develop or possess microbial life.

“The Enceladus’ orbit around Saturn is relatively fast, just 33 hours. As it rockets around Saturn, the Moon and its jets basically spit out waterleaving behind a halo, almost like a doughnut,” said Villanueva.


“In Webb’s observations, not only was the column enormous, but it there was water absolutely everywhereWe will make new discoveries and we will learn more about the composition of the underlying ocean”, concluded the NASA scientist.

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