Azerbaijan is hindering the process of unblocking regional infrastructures. Vahan Kostanyan to Toivo Klaari – 2024-03-24 06:23:46

by times news cr

2024-03-24 06:23:46

On January 18, RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vahan Kostanyan met with the delegation led by Toivo Klaar, the Special Representative of the European Union for the Crisis in South Caucasus and Georgia.

During the meeting, the latest developments related to regional security and peace establishment were discussed. In this context, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs drew the attention of his interlocutors to the destructive and deviating statements made by the President of Azerbaijan in his last interview.

Deputy Minister Vahan Kostanyan stressed that the former member states of the USSR, including Armenia and Azerbaijan, recognize each other’s borders since 1991. according to the Alma-Ata declaration of December, and demarcation works should be carried out based on the latest maps available at the time of the collapse of the USSR. The deputy minister also emphasized the imperative of withdrawing the armed forces of Azerbaijan from the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Vahan Kostanyan noted that Azerbaijan is hindering the process of unblocking regional infrastructures, whose 4 well-known principles – sovereignty, jurisdiction, reciprocity and equality – were already agreed upon between the parties earlier.

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