Burger King honors “drive-thru” bald men with free Whoppers

by time news


Baldness is a problem that affects half of men up to the age of 50 (WHO), and if you are part of this select group, Burger King’s new campaign may interest you. This is because from this Wednesday, the 27th, until the 31st, the chain will distribute free Whoppers in the Calvo Drive-Thru action at participating BK Drives.

To call bald Brazilians to action, Burger King published a video on social media, in which it lists and appreciates the different types of bald people – short, hairy and long forehead – until reaching “drive-thru baldness”, whose owners will be the covered by the new campaign.

To remove the Whopper, bald people must have two side entrances and a clearing on the back of the head. The conditions refer to the entrance, ordering area and exit of the Drive-Thrus in which the campaign takes place. Additionally, the redemption is conditional on the presentation of the CPF of the interested bald people.

So far, the comments left on the post made on BK’s official Instagram show that the campaign has gone down well with internet users, which indicates a welcome breather for the network after the controversial digital campaign starring former adult film actor Kid Walking stick.

Read too: Burger King is named the most creative brand in the world


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