Chance of 1 in 100 million: the rare lobster

by time news

Flash of good news

(Photo: Assaf Chen)

A pair of bracelets adorned with diamonds that belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette of France were sold at auction this week for $ 8 million. These bracelets were kept for almost 200 years in the royal family, after the execution of the queen.

The buyer who purchased them decided to remain anonymous and made the highest offer on the phone. The new owner received the bracelets in a blue velvet box bearing the label “Queen Antoinette Bracelets”, with each bracelet consisting of three strings of eight 112 diamonds. How did the sentence mistakenly attributed, it is important to say, to Mary Antoinette say? “If there is no bread? Wear diamonds.”

And one more rare thing: a fisherman in Portland in the western United States made a rare discovery of 1 in 100 million, when he caught a particularly rare lobster with a color that researchers call “cotton candy.”

Bill Coopersmith could not believe his eyes when he kept an animal so rare that its perception was worth a chance to win the lottery, and he gave it the name “Eddie”, like his granddaughter.

This is not only rare news, but also good, as the rare lobster did not end up in anyone’s plate in Portland, but was transferred to a special aquarium, where it will receive special care.

By the way, USA TODAY states that the chance of finding a yellow lobster is one in 30 million and the chance of finding a white lobster is one in 100 million. According to the researchers, the chance of finding a lobster that is colored like a cotton candy – is also one in 100 million.

And that’s good news for sweet lobsters, too. While different colors may look cool to humans, they can be dangerous for lobsters. Lobsters usually blend into their environment to hide from potential predators, meaning you can easily find a cotton-colored lobster on the ocean floor, rather than a regular-colored lobster.

And hence, to Lima, the capital of Peru. There the residents of one rather gray neighborhood, facing socio-economic difficulties, decided to make their lives more colorful, painting almost all the houses, stairs and alleys with huge graffiti, creating an optical illusion of a mural that can be seen from various vantage points around the city.

The goal? Improve the lives of residents, even those affected by the corona plague, promote tourism and most importantly change the stigma of the neighborhood.


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