COMMUNICATION IN DREAMS | Sleep Revolution: Scientists make communication between two people possible while they sleep

by time news

2024-10-19 08:13:00

Him dream human continues to reveal surprising mysteries and novelty study carried out by the Californian startup REM space has taken a revolutionary step in this field. As was demonstrated through an experiment carried out by the aforementioned company, communication between people while they dream is now a reality.

This progress was achieved through a test-based lucid dreama state in which people are aware that they are dreaming.

‘Remmyo’ language

The researchers involved in this groundbreaking study have asked sensors Yes headphones to several participants, who were induced to have lucid dreams in their homes. In the experiment, one of the volunteers received a remote signal with a random word while I was sleeping. surprisingly, eight minutes later, another of the participants in the same state received the message and was able to confirm the exact word, thus marking the first successful exchange of information between people who dream.

This form of tonguedesigned by REMspace over the last five years to communicate during the REM phase of sleep, was baptized as ‘Remmyo’and is based on tracking techniques electromyographic (muscles and nerves that control muscles).

The “next big industry”

Michael Raduga, founder of REMspace, predicts that this technology will become commonplace: “Tomorrow it will be so common that We will not be able to imagine our life without this technology”. Raduga states that, after the emergence of artificial intelligence, the REM sleep and lucid dreams could become the “the next big industry”.

It should be noted that this is not the first study on interaction in dreams. Research from Northwestern University in the United States has also shown in the past that it is possible solve problems or ask questions while you sleep, which strengthens the potential of conscious communication in the dream.

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