Did the “velvet revolution” contribute to the expected changes, how effective was the revolution? Discussion (Video)

by times news cr

On November 14, the American University of Armenia (AAU) launched “The transformation of Armenia in a comparative context. the discussions of the first day of the first conference of the AAU political science and international relations program on the theme “restart of democratization?” The conference was organized by AAU and Zoryan Institute with the support of “Galust Kulpenkean” Foundation.

The two-day conference is attended by 22 internationally renowned scientists and specialists who analyze the 2018 in five different panel discussions. different aspects of the Armenian “velvet revolution” and its consequences in a comparative context. Examining various examples of peaceful revolutions throughout history, this analysis of Armenia’s current political situation uses a comparative approach.
AAU President Karin Markides, chairperson of the conference organizing committee Alina Gharabegian (New Jersey City University), as well as Greg Sargisian, president of the Zoryan Institute, Razmik Panosyan, director of the Armenian communities of Galust Kulpenkean Foundation, and dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. . Brian Ellison.

“AUH is dedicated to serving the needs of the community, initiating public discussions, involving its faculty and researchers. We provide government with data developed through academic programs and research that support effective government decision-making. We are sure that our mission is to contribute to the further development of Armenia,” said the AAU president in his welcoming speech.

Thanking the organizing team for their efforts and the attendees for their participation, Alina Gharabegyan added. “The purpose of today’s conference is to shed light on the political future of RA in the context of the April 2018 revolution, observing the country’s political and historical past and evaluating our current situation from different perspectives.”

“We hope that today and tomorrow we will be able to raise important issues such as: Did the “Velvet Revolution” help bring about the expected changes? How effective was the revolution? Are we able to objectively assess both the advantages and disadvantages of the revolution? other questions.

During the three panel discussions held on the first day, researchers presented their work on the following topics:

• Post-Soviet legacy, stagnant democratization and rising aspirations,
• Contested policies, consolidation and media use. from digital engagement to street presence,
• Revolution, transition or crossroads? to what extent are the changes systemic?
One of the speakers, Susan Brunbauer, a researcher at the Global Cooperation Research Center, said in her speech: “In order to implement structural changes, it is necessary to involve all interested parties, in particular, the population of Armenia, by ensuring communication between the capital and other marzes.”

At the end of the first panel discussion, during the question and answer session, the velvet revolution’s unique nature was touched upon. Stas Gorelik, a graduate student at George Washington University’s Department of Political Science, noted: “I would not say that this revolution is so unique in its nature. It seems more so because it happened so quickly and unexpectedly, given that all the prerequisites were there for it to happen.” AAU professor Gregory Areshyan added that his biggest worry after the revolution is that there is still no separation of the three bodies of power (legislative, executive and judicial), and we have a great need for independent thinking.

Arpi Balyan, former professor of AAU political science and international relations program, speaking about civil society, said, “During the Velvet Revolution, civil society was a key player in attracting wider masses. However, when the turn comes to follow-up actions, in particular, to be involved in political decisions, the question arises as to what levers they take part in.”

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