“Dynasty”, the fourth season of the reboot has landed on Netflix: here’s what happened to the protagonists

by time news

On March 12, 1985 Dynasty triumphs at the eleventh edition of the “People’s Choice Awards”, a popular suffrage review that chooses the best films and characters of the television and cinema season. The show is elected “best drama television series”. “Dynasty” which had debuted in 1981 on ABC (in Italy it landed in 1982 first on Rete 4 then on Canale 5) is centered on the epic story of the Carrington family and on the rivalry with the Colbys: these modern Montecchi and Capulets are ready for anything even to see the enemies succumb. Between love stories, oil deals and countless intrigues in which the characters who disappear and then reappear are counted, the series achieves extraordinary success all over the world, reaching millions of viewers. The show, of which there are 220 episodes in 9 seasons, is innovative in its own way because it tackles issues such as homosexuality and mental illness for the first time in the US. Starting from 2017 a reboot of the series was produced in the US, also entitled “Dynasty”, whose new episodes (we are now in the fourth season) can be seen on Netflix. 36 years after the triumph, here is what happened to the protagonists of the original series.


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