Eramuspe: We are all to blame, with the world we will fight to stay – 2024-03-27 20:27:35

by times news cr

2024-03-27 20:27:35

At the beginning of the press conference of Panagiotis Christovasilis, the leaders Pedro Conte, Rodrigo Eramouspe, Zisis Karahalios, Nontas Pantelakis were also present.

Rodrigo Eramuspe spoke on behalf of everyone and said: “We are here because we want to, because this moment is very important for us. First of all we want to apologize to our fans, because they always support the team and they don’t deserve what is happening. We are responsible, not one player, but all of us. I remember last year at this time, when we were in a similar situation, Zisis and Nontas were seriously injured (s.b. means Karachalios and Pantelakis), some people said that the team cannot win because Zisis and Nontas are not playing. And maybe now some of them are saying that “this player is the problem, the other player is the problem…”. No, its not like that. We are all together, we are all responsible, from the president to the last of us. The most important thing is these six games ahead of us. We all have to play together, together with our fans, together with the whole world, together with the city. When we play in Zosimades with our fans, we play with twelve players. The history of PAS Ioannina tells us to believe and fight until the end. We need our fans, we need the city, and we will fight together until the end. And in the end, whatever happens, we will come forward, we will put ourselves forward. Just as things were beautiful in the semi-finals of the Cup or when we were in the top six and came out ahead, that’s how we will come out ahead now too.”

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