Four cities in MS are among the hottest in the country – Cities

by time news

2023-11-17 23:39:00

Strong sun in the Jardim dos Estados region, in the Capital (Photo: Juliano Almeida)

Four cities in Mato Grosso do Sul are among the five hottest municipalities this Friday (17) across Brazil. At 43.1ºC, the municipality of Porto Murtinho was the hottest in the country, with a temperature recorded at 3pm. The State also recorded the second highest temperature in Brazil in Três Lagoas, as the municipality in the Bolsão region recorded 42.5ºC. Água Clara, with 41.9ºC, was the fourth hottest place, while Coxim, which registered 41.5ºC, closes the list of municipalities in Mato Grosso do Sul, in fifth place in the country. The list of the hottest municipalities of the day also includes the municipality of São Romão, Minas Gerais.

According to Inmet, the entire state is under danger alert due to high temperatures. According to meteorologist Natálio Abrahão, the municipalities of Aquidauana, Bataguassu, Bonito and Pedro Gomes also exceeded 40ºC today.

Counterpoint – Despite the intense heat, part of MS is at risk of rain and gusts of wind this weekend. According to Inmet, the cities of Água Clara, Alcinópolis, Anaurilândia, Aparecida do Taboado, Anaurilândia, Bataguassu, Batayporã, Brasilândia, Camapuã, Cassilândia, Chapadão do Sul, Costa Rica, Figueirão, Inocência, Nova Andradina, Paraíso das Águas, Paranaíba, Ribas do Rio Pardo, Santa Rita do Pardo, Selvíria and Três Lagoas may experience rain and gusts of wind between 40 and 60 km/h, with a low risk of electricity cuts, falling tree branches and flooding.

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