Friedrich Merz has also smoked weed – 2024-03-23 10:42:03

by times news cr

2024-03-23 10:42:03

Adults in Germany should be able to legally consume cannabis from April 1st. Even before legalization, CDU leader Friedrich Merz once resorted to a joint, he admits.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz says he only tried cannabis once in his life – and he wasn’t thrilled. “I once took a hit on it while I was at school. It was terrible,” said Merz on Thursday on the ntv show “Early Start” in response to a question about it.

Merz, who is also chairman of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag, reiterated his rejection of the cannabis legalization planned by the traffic light. “We are and remain against it. We believe it is fundamentally wrong to release drugs in Germany now.” He said it was the wrong decision, especially when it came to child and youth protection.

Video | Two t-online users argue the pros and cons of cannabis legalization.

Quelle: t-online

The process could still be slowed down

The cannabis law is to be discussed in the Federal Council on Friday. It stipulates that from April 1st, adults will be allowed to consume and sometimes grow cannabis under certain conditions. The Bundestag passed the law in February. It does not require approval in the Federal Council.

However, the state chamber could call the mediation committee and thereby slow down the process. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has indicated that a complete blockade by the Union can then be expected and that the project could die.

The Mediation Committee is a joint committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat. He can be involved in controversial legislative proposals with the aim of finding agreement.

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