From April afternoon surgeries also in “Hatzikosta” – 2024-03-23 07:03:34

by times news cr

2024-03-23 07:03:34

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

Once a week, starting from the first ten days of April, afternoon surgeries are expected to be scheduled at “Hatzikosta” Hospital.

This is the second hospital in Epirus that will join the program of afternoon surgeries, for a fee, along with most of the country’s public hospitals, in order to decongest the waiting lists.
The longest wait, regarding “Hatzikosta”, is found in the orthopedic field, also due to the nature of some diseases. In any case, according to the administrator Spyros Derdemezis, there is a willingness from the hospital’s executive staff and doctors from all surgical departments, anesthesiologists and paramedical staff have declared their participation.
Another meeting will be held tomorrow with officials of the ministry, as procedural issues related to the costing and invoicing of services will have to be clarified, while meetings have already been held with the hospital officials, in order to determine the prioritization process for the afternoons surgeries.
However, as Mr. Derdemezis noted, in recent years the hospital has allocated larger sums than its budget for orthopedic surgeries. “We will do our best to respond to the needs that exist,” he noted.
Finally, the supply of a new modern CT scanner to the hospital is in the final stretch, as the existing one is functional, but of outdated technology. The file with the specifications of the machine is to be sent by Friday to the 6th Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health for feasibility approval and then the procurement procedures will follow.

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