gary schroen cia america Did you know Gary Schroen, the CIA spy who warned Bin Laden early? – did you know about cia agent gary schroen who involved in america operation against al qaeda and osama bin laden

by time news
World Trade Center demolition: On September 11, 2001…Americans will not easily forget when Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda suicide squad blew up the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon, the headquarters of the American intelligence agency CAI. A few days after the 9/11 attacks, CEA spy Gary Schron is given some orders by his superior.

Shron reached Afghanistan: With orders to capture bin Laden alive and bring him to the United States or to decapitate him and keep it in an ice chest, Shron landed in Afghanistan with a group of paramilitary officers a few days before the Twin Towers attack, with orders to behead bin Laden’s right-hand man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, on the tip of a spear.

US War on Afghanistan: With his sharp intelligence and the help of a paramilitary group, Schroen masterminded the hunt for bin Laden. But within weeks of his tenure in Afghanistan, the US launched an attack on Taliban-ruled Afghanistan in October.

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The 2003 invasion of Iraq resulted in the CIA and US military numbers being drastically reduced there, as this war continued for years. As a result, Schroon later lamented that the United States had failed to secure Afghanistan and capture its key enemies, including bin Laden.

Retirement: Schroen retired from his job before the effort to capture bin Laden was fully completed. Later, in 2005, he published a book titled ‘First In’.

Commitment: “Twenty years ago in Afghanistan and with the CIA, Gary showed great ability. “We will never forget his high qualities of commitment, perseverance and perseverance,” say CIA officials with gratitude.

Who Predicted Bin Laden: In the 1980s, the CIA began focusing on the activities of Osama bin Laden, a jihadist who participated in the guerilla war against Soviet Russia. It was then that Schroen created a small group at the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center. It was the same group that warned in advance of the threats posed by bin Laden, a Saudi national.

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Schroon also began making contact with Afghan Taliban commanders he knew. Over the next three years, under Schron’s direction, the CIA made several attempts to kill or capture bin Laden alive. In response, bin Laden’s Al Qaeda carried out bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. In August 1999, bin Laden narrowly escaped a large-scale US cruise missile attack on al-Qaeda bases in Afghanistan’s Khost province.

Sketch by Schron: Exactly two years later, on September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda blew up the World Trade Center. CIA went into the field to catch bin Laden with the decision not to let him go any longer. According to the sketch given by Schroon, the US Army, which was on the hunt for bin Laden, in 2011 killed bin Laden in Afghanistan.

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On July 31, 10 years after bin Laden’s death, the US military also killed his right-hand man, Zawahiri. The very next day (August 1), Shron died of a heart attack at the age of 80, after learning of Zawahiri’s murder.

Schron’s work for the CIA lives on at CIA headquarters in Virginia. The helicopter Schroen used during his 2001 mission to Afghanistan to hunt for bin Laden is still kept in his memory at the CIA compound there.

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