Giant comet coming towards Earth! – Science article | Bernardinelli – Bernstein Comet

by time news

Too big towards the earth Comet NASA scientists say something is coming. More than ever, comets, this Comet Is about 50 times larger.

What is a comet?

When the planets form, dust, rocks, and gases orbit around the solar system, forming tiny icebergs. This is what we call ‘comets’ and ‘comets’. Like planets, comets orbit the sun. Comets do not have a ‘tail’ when they are far from the sun. As the sun approaches, the sun’s heat causes the material in comets to evaporate. Only then do comets ‘tails’ form. Sometimes more than one tail may appear.

Giant comet

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has detected a giant comet. 500 trillion tons and 137 km. This gigantic comet, with its width, is approaching Earth at 22,000 miles per hour. But there is no need to worry about this comet. It is approaching 1 billion miles from the sun. In 2031, Saturn will be closer to Earth than the Sun. This comet was discovered in 2010. However, only now has the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed the size of the comet.

Pedro Bernardinelli, Gary, a researcher at the Joint American Laboratory in Chile Bernstein The comet was discovered by scientists at the NASA Space Research Center in the United States.

Bernardinelli-Bernstein Comet Currently, it is on the edge of our solar system. It has been traveling towards the sun in an elliptical orbit at a speed of 22 thousand miles for over 30 million years.

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