‘House for Home’ comes out today. L’Unità a centenary history by Chiaromonte and Falconi, published All Around

by time news

2024-02-09 11:48:49

On 12 February 1924, the first issue of l’Unità – Daily of workers and peasants, founded by Antonio Gramsci, was released. 100 years have passed since then and to commemorate the anniversary the volume “Casa per casa. L’Unità una storia centenaria” by Franca Chiaromonte and Graziella Falconi, published by All Around, is released in bookstores today. It reconstructs the history of the newspaper most loved by the left-wing people, through the testimonies of its many directors, from Pastore to Sergio Staino via Ingrao, Tortorella, Macaluso, D’Alema, Veltroni and so on. The title comes from the famous phrase pronounced by Enrico Berlinguer in his last speech before his death: “We must go house by house, street by street”.

The historical journey is entrusted not only to the testimonies and interviews of its directors but also to the iconographic apparatus of the newspaper’s pages which, best of all, tell of its transformation from a Party newspaper into a popular mass newspaper which, as Pajetta said, he should “be loved, read, inspired, enlightened about life and the world”. And this is how party militants interpreted it, displaying it as an identity symbol. (continued)

Presentation in Rome with the Murialdi Foundation at the Fnsi headquarters

Today, at the National Federation of the Italian Press (Fnsi), in Via delle Botteghe Oscure 54, the presentation of the volume together with the Paolo Murialdi Foundation for Journalism, an event for enthusiasts of the history of Italian journalism. The authors show testimonies from the past and dialogue with Alessandra Costante, Pietro Spataro, Giancarlo Tartaglia and Maria Zegarelli. There is no shortage of opportunity to analyze the iconographic apparatus that accompanies “Casa per casa”: the most significant pages that marked the different eras of “l’Unità”.

In the parterre of guests there are guests who have left their mark on everyday life: Claudio Petruccioli, Massimo D’Alema, Walter Veltroni, Concita De Gregorio and Claudio Sardo. “It is a fundamental moment to discuss the meaning and legacy of this newspaper, a beacon of information and training for generations of journalists and readers”, says Lucia Visca, journalist and author who founded the Roman publishing house.

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