How Mercury in Retrograde on December 13, 2023 Affects Virgo, Libra, & Capricorn Zodiac Signs

by time news

It’s back! Mercury in retrograde is once again, in town, and who’s excited for this notorious transit and all that it brings with it? Yes, folks, it’s here again and on December 13, 2023, we get to welcome in our old friend, Mercury in retrograde. Day one immediately brings the challenges, and honestly, did we expect anything other than that to happen?

While Mercury in retrograde effects everyone, there are definitely three zodiac signs that take Day One as a sign to back off, stay at home, do nothing and definitely stay off of social media. Yes, it’s that specific. While there’s no astrological transit that actually represents tech and social media, if there’s one that could come close, it’s Mercury in retrograde, and it always comes with a warning.

We’d seriously be better off not engaging in armchair wars on this day, which means don’t get on your computer and go out looking to prove you’re the most virtuous of them all. You’ll be thwarted.

Today, there are no social media victories. Stay away from Tiktok university and try, especially if you are one of these three zodiac signs, to not try and put others down ‘anonymously.’ It’s not going to work.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on November 13, 2023:

1. Virgo
(August 23 – September 22)
You have a tendency to do a whole lot of virtue signaling, and even though you think you’re getting away with it, your online presence it starting to look like a masterwork of ‘look at me, aren’t I the best thing since sliced bread?’ You really do go out of your way to show the world that you are this superior being, and honestly, it’s obnoxious and makes you seem neurotic. Apparently, you are the only one who doesn’t see it that way.

One of the reasons you’ve gotten away with signing your own praises for so long is because you are also intimidating and let people know that if they so much as dare to challenge you, you’ll rip their heads off, verbally, or rather, in written words. That’s where Mercury in retrograde puts you in check; today, December 13, 2023 has someone ‘out there’ finding you particularly obnoxious, and they will challenge you.

That’s how the ‘stay away from social media’ warning works, Virgo. Don’t engage with people online today as there are people out there who are far more terrifying than you are, and if you get involved in an online war that you think you’re going to win; think again. Humiliation awaits you, and all of it can be avoided by staying humble and avoiding the temptations of having to be right all the time.

2. Libra
(September 23 – October 22)
Mercury in retrograde instantly brings out your mean side, and while you don’t necessarily like to think of yourself as ‘mean,’ you do know that you have a streak in you that might make another person want to back away from you…forever. This might be the way you protect yourself, but on this day, December 13, 2023, during Mercury in retrograde, you’re going to play the mean card and you’ll be served up a hot steaming platter of confrontation for your efforts.

You are one of those ‘hit and run’ online players, as in, someone who doesn’t their best to say the most caustic things imaginable to total strangers, and because you like to run away after, you don’t really get to see the consequences. You just drive by, plow in and cause destruction, and leave. However, during Mercury in retrograde, you won’t get away with it. There are people out there who do not take well to being insulted, and they will find a way to get back at you.

Mercury in retrograde may not bring nonstop angst to you while it’s in orbit, but this first day will definitely pack a punch in the ego. You would be best to do something creative and kind, rather than feed the dark side of your ego with online participation.

If you feel the need to be a part of your computer, then keep it light and stick with something creative. Avoid the social engagements; that’s the key to getting through today in one piece. You may be tempted to stay involved but know this, the more time you spend in this situation, the greater the headache you will have. Seriously.

3. Capricorn
(December 22 – January 19)

You tend to be an armchair activist, and because you so fervently believe in your causes, you are also someone who must defend those causes, even when the whole thing becomes a royal hassle. During Mercury in retrograde, the hassles will be aplenty as something that you started a while back has now come around to haunt you. On December 13, you will find yourself going back to an old post that seems to have caused quite a stir.

You may not be in the mood to even backtrack like this, but it IS your post and you feel the righteous need to defend what you’ve said, even if it is ‘old news.’ By getting involved during Mercury in retrograde, you will end up paying through the nose, as this day will consume your time, your energy and all of your patience, when dealing with the folks whose lives seem to depend on making you feel threatened.

You might see this as a lesson for the future, as in ‘don’t start a riot.’ Still, you like starting fires, and you still feel very passionate about your causes. What you don’t like is what Mercury in retrograde brings in abundance, and that’s overkill. Today, you’ll get to experience how one statement of yourself will be hacked to pieces, again and again, all for the purpose of getting a rise out of you. Mission accomplished.

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