RA Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Hrachya Rostomyan participated in the general meeting of the Armenian National Canoe Federation. Attendees heard senior coaches’ reports for the reporting period. The speakers expressed their concern about the problems hindering the development of the sport: lack of water areas meeting the appropriate standards, lack of sports equipment.
In his speech, Hrachya Rostomyan noted that he is well aware of the problems in sports and has a good idea of the ways to solve them. This is reported by the information and public relations department of the RA Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs.
“Rowing is a sport that has good traditions in Armenia. It is necessary to preserve and develop them, which is possible thanks to financial investments, organizational work and caring attitude”, said H. Rostomyan promised that the ministry will support the federation within its capabilities.
At the meeting, the resignation request of the acting president of the federation, Hrach Khudoyan, who submitted his resignation due to health problems, was accepted. The attendees discussed and considered it acceptable to implement the institution of co-chairs for the canoe federation. Levon Ghazaryan and Melik Yesayan were unanimously elected co-chairs. A seven-member coaching council and a three-member audit committee were also elected.
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