Hungry at night? The snack that will satisfy you and not add calories Maya Roseman

by time news

You ate dinner, but at night, just before bed, you are hungry again. What should you eat? Dr. Maya Roseman addressed her show on 103FM and a question from a listener who wondered what to do when you’re hungry at night. Roseman offered a solution that won’t add calories to you.

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“Assuming that you eat all day according to the menu, dinner includes, for example, two slices of light bread, cheese, egg/tuna, a large salad and a tablespoon of tahini/avocado,” said the nutritionist. Then there is another night snack, which can be fruit or almonds or yogurt. But note that a sandwich of two slices of light bread is also considered a possible intermediate snack at any hour (a light sandwich does not have many more calories than a fruit or a serving of almonds, for example).

Split the dinner – eat cheese, egg and salad with avocado, and postpone the bread for a later hour. Together with the night snack that can be converted into another sandwich, four slices of light bread are produced (two sandwiches) and it is satisfying to all intents and purposes.

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to Maya Roseman’s website

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