“I forgive you dad because I could never be your princess” Galilea Montijo is honest about her father, what to do if your dad has another family?

by time news

2023-09-28 19:00:39

All families want to grow up surrounded by love and in a safe home, however there are situations that compromise the well-being of the family nucleus, that is why we tell you what to do if your dad has another family.

Recently, the Mexican host Galilea Montijo opened up in front of the cameras of her program to set a great example about forgiveness, healing and maturity.

During a forgiveness dynamic, Galilea read aloud a letter addressed to her father, who died two years ago and who was not present for much of Galilea’s life.

“I forgive you dad, as a woman and as a girl, because I could never be your princess, because I never had protection. I forgive you for living so absent. For needing you so much. For making me look for you in every male gaze. “I forgive you because I know you were more hurt than me.” These are some of the words expressed by the host.

And although Galilea recognizes herself as a strong woman, she accepted that it was hard to grow up without her father’s care, in addition to the hard blow of finding out that she had another family and that that was one of the reasons why she was not present to see her. grow.

Fortunately for Galilea, recognizing her wounds allowed her to begin to heal them and today she maintains one of the most successful careers in Mexican entertainment, which is why she has stated that she does not regret anything and even thanks the obstacles that turned her into the woman we see today. every day on television.

Photo: Instagram @galileamontijo

What to do if you find out that your dad has another hidden family?

The United States National Library of Medicine recognizes that growing up within a family with both stable parents promotes physical, emotional and even academic well-being.

However, when this is compromised, you should know some strategies or tips so that the emotional blow is as traumatic as possible for you and the family.

Therefore, what is recommended is that, if you find out that your father or your mother has another family, the important thing is to approach the person who committed the infidelity and let him know that you already know his “secret.”

Be careful, it is important that in this step you connect with your emotions and share it with your father or mother, that is, that you tell them exactly how you feel, the expectations you had and, also, ask them what they will do now that you know the truth.

Both of you can reach an agreement to know how to tell the other person that there is infidelity or even a new hidden family. Remember that, regardless of the outcome, the affected parent deserves to know the truth.

Photo: Instagram @galileamontijo

How do I tell my son that his dad has another family?

If it is the case that you discover that your partner has another family, your children deserve to know the truth but it is important to choose the right words without underestimating your child.

Choose simple but concrete words, avoid insults and high-sounding words towards your partner or anyone else.

You can choose to tell the truth without many details, for example, saying that you will no longer be together or that the father will not live in the same house, etc.

How to forgive my father?

If you already found out and know what to do if your father has another familyIt is also important to learn to close wounds in a healthy way. To do this you can follow measures such as:

Understand their reasons with empathy Face and understand your emotions Cry as often as you feel it Seek support from friends or family Focus on your successes and personal and professional growth

Furthermore, writing can be a great tool to finish healing wounds, because just as Galilea did, many people have written what they think and feel.

These letters do not necessarily have to be handed over, you can tear them up, burn them, keep them or whatever you feel like doing with them to release the pain and frustration.

Now that you know what to do if your dad has another familyRemember that each story is different and will be carried out in different ways depending on the case. The most important thing is to understand that you are not responsible for your parents’ actions and that your priority should be focused on you.

If you need help with more tips to overcome this bad time, we share this video with you.

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