In Pomezia “Aviation Yes”, an event on the aeronautical and aerospace reality

by time news

‘Aviation Yes’ will take place in Pomezia on 16 and 17 October, an experimental event in its first edition linked to the aeronautical and aerospace world organized by the well-known manager and ufologist Francesca Bittarello. The event, the organizers underline, has “the objective of giving the public an annual overview of the highest level of international aeronautics and aerospace, a prestigious meeting that will take place annually starting from 2022. It is an opportunity to make known in an experimental perspective the various realities of the aeronautical and aerospace world in its various facets and configurations and for this first edition it opens up to illustrious figures and bodies, institutes, associations, organizations, federations, weapons related to aeronautics and aerospace, exhibitions photographic and pictorial materials and aeronautical materials that will welcome the visitor, and in the conference military, aeronautical historians, expert scientists, former commanders of the Frecce Tricolori. The participation of representatives of the aerial components of the State administrations is also foreseen “.

The participations are all thick: among these also the former Undersecretary of Defense Gen. Domenico Rossi, Gen. Giampaolo Miniscalco formerly Commander Frecce Tricolori, the Aero Club of Italy and the American investigators of the Mufon, aerospace engineers including Ing. Roberto Somma and many other important figures in the sector. Also present in a stand is the Ufology World Study Center created by Bittarello herself for the scientific study of space linked to the Uap phenomenon, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

“This first edition – emphasizes Bittarello – was born with a view to experimentation that will be repeated annually and it is no coincidence that this first edition also participates exceptionally in addition to other important figures also Paolo Monti, artist and architect who in 2011 sent in orbit the work Sindone 21 ’37 “inside the EduSAT satellite of the Italian Space Agency thus creating the first orbiting experimental museum in the world. For this extraordinary participation in Aviation Yes – continues – in conference and exhibition and will be given to his stand, until exhaustion, of numbered postcards made specifically for the event that reproduce the work sent into space, with his autograph “. For the morning of Monday 17 October the participation of technical institutes is expected, which will be present with the fourth and fifth classes. To follow the updates on the initiative, the official website of the event is

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