Israel, storm over former Chief of Services. He said everything to his mistress, a stewardess

by time news

Israel, Yossi Cohen: details on top secret operations told to lover

Yossi Cohen, the former head of the Secret services Israel allegedly revealed the details of the operations of the Mossad to his mistress, one hostess with whom he had an affair since 2018. To confess it – we read in the Corriere della Sera – was the ex-husband of the woman Guy Shiker in an interview, bringing out details about intelligence operations that are usually super secret. The two would have met on the plane where the woman worked as a flight attendant and on other trips around the world, which, however, had to remain clandestine, Yossi he would brag to her and her husband.

Shiker – continues the Corriere – explained that he had known Cohen through his wife, of having dined there. “He is a talker – he explains in the interview granted to Israeli TV – known in the financial world and once said that the Mossad he supervised the personal physician of an Arab leader. Or how she had to dress up as tourist guide for a mission. He prided himself on his managerial style, that when he became director he had kicked out six division heads because they weren’t loyal to him. “


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