kaniha about her son, the doctor said that he might die this very night, there is no chance of him living; Actress kaniha about her son who survived death

by time news
Even though she is from Tamil Nadu, Kaniha is an actress who has been welcomed by the Malayalis with open arms. In fact, Kaniha comes to correct it at a time when there are heroines who leave the industry after marriage. It was only after her marriage and the birth of her child that Kaniha was able to play more core female characters on the silver screen, especially in Malayalam. But Kaniha has another story that not many people know about. It is about the birth of the only son Sai Rishi. In a recent interview to a Tamil channel, Kaniha denied the story.

The baby was born in the US

The son’s name is Rishi and he is now eleven years old. I went to the US with my husband after the wedding, so that’s where he was born. Mine was a perfect pregnancy. There was no problem. The scanning results were all perfect.

After delivery

It is generally said in the ninth month that the delivery can happen at any time. I was also on that stage. Because of that we packed everything. I went into labor, went to the hospital and gave birth. I don’t know what happened after the delivery, the baby was not shown to me.

The doctor came at midnight

Asian babies are generally said to have low bilirubin levels. Because of that, I was very cool thinking that the baby must have been taken away for something. I gave birth at 6, 6:30 in the evening. When it was almost midnight, a doctor came into the room with a pen and a book.

When I heard that

He drew a heart on the paper and told me, ‘I’m sorry your baby has a little heart problem, maybe he’ll die tonight’. Hearing that, my hands and feet started shaking. I don’t even know how to react. The body had not even recovered from the condition after delivery.

When I see him

I don’t know how I got the courage, then I got up and went to the next block where he was lying. When I saw him for the first time, he was a very small vava, his whole body was laid with a pipe and everything. It was too much for me to bear.

Surgery was decided

My baby, who was told he wouldn’t survive the night, went on life support for seven days. There was no use in sitting like this, so he decided to undergo surgery in the hope that he would have only one chance to get his life back. There are no gods I don’t pray to at that time. I am a Sai Bhava Bhakta and I prayed to him with all my weight.

Eight hours long surgery

On the day of the surgery my husband was kept at the hospital and I went to the temple. The surgery was eight hours long. After that surgery, the doctor said that he could do anything. My son is a survivor. I believe that He is the Son of God.

Life changing moment

Till then I prayed for small things, that was the first time in my life I prayed for a life. For my son. Until then, I was a bit of a recluse. It was a life changing moment for me. After that I got the courage to face whatever happened in life- said Kaniha.

Kaniha said that

Kaniha’s ramp walk at a beauty pageant was impressive, showing off her toned stomach. When asked about that stomach, Kaniha said, ‘If I want, I can get rid of those scars and wrinkles by doing a plastic surgery. But these are the scars my baby gave me. I am proud of it’. The audience received those words with applause.

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