Kazem Khaliliya’s Brave Battle with Dysthymia: A Sad Disclosure

by time news

2024-03-26 06:45:43

Kazem’s sad disclosure: Big Brother graduate Kazem Khaliliya, who disappeared from social media in recent weeks, shared in a video that he suffers from dysthymia, and said that he lost the will to live.

In the video he uploaded last night, Khaliliya tearfully said: “Whoever sees me outside, please leave me alone. I am diagnosed with dysthymia. Dysthymia is a depressive illness. In Hebrew it is called “the silent depression”. I remember one of my friends, while we were sitting in a restaurant, texting me ‘what do you have’ and ‘why are you a snob?’ And I say to myself, I’m not a snob, I just have depression.”

Kazem added: “At first I thought I could take care of it alone and leave it to myself and I said ‘well it will pass’, but it really won’t. I have a heart disease and I take a pill every day, I live with it and I will live with it, but the soul has no pill . I really feel tired, I’ve lost the desire for everything, I’ve lost a lot of weight. You don’t know what it means that sometimes I lost the desire to live, I didn’t want this life. Please whoever sees me outside, give me a sniff, don’t ask personal questions. I feel like I’m being suffocated. People see me outside and ask how are you, I say I’m fine, but I’m not fine.”

The origin of the name dysthymia in ancient times when the thymus gland found in the baby in the center of the chest and getting smaller was considered responsible for our moods. Thus, someone whose mood is balanced most of the time is called “authymic”, while someone who suffers from a mood disorder is called “dysthymic”.

“Dysthymia is a diagnosis from the 1980s,” explains Prof. Hadar Shalu, director of the psychiatry department at the Soroka Medical Center, “until then, the people who suffered from the disorder were characterized by a low mood and were diagnosed as suffering from a depressive disorder. Later, the diagnosis of dysthymia was established.”

According to the psychiatric diagnostic book DSM, dysthymia is characterized by depressive symptoms to an extent that does not reach clinical depression. This is a chronic condition lasting for at least two years. The diagnosis is based on a low mood most days, for a period of at least two years, during which there was no period free of symptoms that exceeded two months. In addition, there are at least two other symptoms that include poor appetite, sleep disorders, fatigue, lack of energy, low self-esteem, concentration disorders, memory disorders and a general feeling of hopelessness.

“Dysthymia differs from clinical depression in which there are high intensities of low mood, pessimism, helplessness and preoccupation with death,” explains Prof. Shalu, about 10% of those suffering from clinical depression reach psychosis in which false thoughts appear that match their mood. They feel worthless thinking that they only bring suffering to the world and because of them the family suffers, to the level of persecutory thoughts where they are convinced that they want to kill them because they only bring suffering. Dysthymia does not reach these strengths.”

Dysthymia is more common in low-income singles, those who have been abused or harmed as children, and those who have close family members with mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder.

In most cases, dysthymia begins at an early age, even before the twenties. According to Prof. Shalu, many dysthymia sufferers believe that their low mood is “part of life”, simply because they are not used to a different situation. Those who suffer from dysthymia, as opposed to clinical depression, continue to function, but suffer impairment in all aspects of life.

The treatment of dysthymia combines psychotherapy and medication. For many years, psychological treatment was considered the main treatment for dysthymia. Historically, the classical treatment is the analytic-dynamic treatment. This is a long psychological treatment that goes into the intricacies of a person’s conflicts with the thought that resolving them will reduce intrapersonal tensions.

Over the years, newer treatment methods have been developed, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, which has been found to be effective and safe. This treatment does not delve into the conflicts but claims that at the base of the mental disorder are wrong thinking patterns and a wrong interpretation of situations. Mapping the wrong thinking patterns, offering mental alternatives and alternative ways of coping, relaxation and encouragement for success bring a significant benefit in the condition of those suffering from dysthymia.

But psychological treatment is not enough: the drugs in recent decades that are used to treat depression, and include inhibitors of the neurotransmitter serotonin – are also used to treat dysthymia. Those suffering from dysthymia, which includes symptoms of lack of energy such as fatigue, lack of initiative and chronic fatigue, will be treated with drugs such as Wellbutrin, Prozac or Effexor while people suffering from sleep disorders and lack of appetite will be treated with drugs such as Paroxetine and Recital. The medical literature shows that about 70% of medicated patients will respond well to treatment together with psychotherapy.

As for those who are resistant to these treatments, relatively new alternatives are offered that are still being tested. For example, there is an attempt to treat the drug for the treatment of thyroid disorders Eltroxin, the lithium drug originally used to treat bipolar disorder, or the drug Tegretol used for convulsions and migraines. These drugs increase the effect of psychiatric drugs and help with treatment. Recently, the use of ketamine was also introduced for resistant depression, and it is also tried in cases of drug-resistant dysthymia.

“Sometimes those suffering from dysthymia don’t know themselves,” concludes his professor, “from a young age their mood is low and the depression they suffer from is seen by them as part of their personality, so they need a reminder that if they are treated, the environment will also be better for them. They tend to think Their lives are not worth anything, the world is not equal, and there is no hope in sight. The treatment changes their ability to process what is happening around them, their interactions with others, and their perception of themselves, their ability to succeed in society, in the family, at work, in studies and in relationships, a feeling that allows For them to enjoy the world and feel safe in it.”

#Kazem #Khaliliyas #confession #difference #depression #dysthymia

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