LOK votes against changes in the statutes and reorganization that would allow merging with LSFP /

by times news cr

2024-03-29 13:07:02

Since the LOK voted against the merger process, it will not be decided at all at the LSFP general meeting scheduled later.

In order for LOK to take over all the obligations of LSFP, it would be necessary to approve changes in its statutes not only in the list and status of members, but also in their rights. Out of 99 delegates, 39 voted for changes in the statutes, and 60 were against.

On the other hand, 35 votes were cast for the reorganization, 60 against, but one ballot was invalid.

In order to legally start the merger process, according to the Law on Associations and Foundations, a written reorganization agreement must be concluded between LOK and LSFP, which must be approved by two-thirds of the votes of the members present at the meetings of the members of both organizations.

The developed plan envisaged that the merger process with the application to the Register of Associations and Foundations for the entry into force of the reorganization agreement would be concluded on July 12. As a result of the reorganization process, LSFP would transfer all its liabilities and assets to LOK and cease to exist.

It was emphasized that the reorganization envisages the creation of a more open, stronger and more united organization, which would consist of 101 members, including 26 associate members. The creation of a single organization would help to solve efficiency issues by reducing administrative costs and promoting the economy of time resources between officials and members, as well as in cooperation with state institutions, which in the future would communicate with one negotiating partner.

It was expected that in the future the president of the LOK would be the chairman of the executive committee of the LOK and lead its work, while the day-to-day operation of the LOK would be managed by the general secretary and two members of the board, all of whom together would form the board of the LOK. In the future, the LOK executive committee would have 20 members – the president of the LOK, representatives of ten Olympic sports federations, four representatives of LOK members, a representative of associated sports federations, the chairman of the athletes’ commission, a representative of the Latvian Paralympic Committee, a representative of the Latvian Union of Local Governments and a member of the International Olympic Committee.

2024-03-29 13:07:02

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