Lucero Mijares: between dubbing and starring

by times news cr

The young actress Lucero Mijares sees his career growing and now presented the animated tape The legend of the dragonhis first leading role on the big screen, with which he assured he learned a lot about the voice dubbing.

“Yes it is a movie for children, but it also has a story that leaves a message to adults why Ping “She is a very brave girl who, even though she is afraid of the unknown, faces it to be able to follow her dreams,” he highlighted. Mijares at a press conference.

For his part, the person in charge of giving the voice to the dragon in this story called Dancees Miguel Burrawho highlighted that everyone follows their dreams.

“The most important thing about this message is that it lets us understand that even though we believe we have our defined destinies, Let us learn to follow our convictions and that we always have the decision to mark our own path,” he added.

Lucero, who has a second dubbing under his belt, said that this activity is what he liked most about the performance and that he would consider dedicating himself to it, but he also stressed that He learned a lot.

“When I did Wish, My interventions were very few, here I was practically speaking the entire time and then I learned to feel my character, that if Ping cry, I can’t be laughing because then something impregnated with feeling would be missing.

“I think it gave me the necessary tables to expand my work and also the knowledge that I hope I can apply more in the future,” concluded the actress.

The Legend of the Dragon arrives on October 10 700 salas cinema in Mexico.

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