More than just a sport.. Kung Fu is a cultural bridge between Iraq and China »

by times news cr

Baghdad – ⁤Adopting the sport of Kung Fu in Iraq has‌ gained the approval of many young people, especially in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, which pays ⁢great attention to the game thanks to the presence of qualified trainers.
Amid⁢ the intense​ training, the founder of the Kung Fu Club in ⁣the governorate, Burhan​ Kamel, ‍walks ⁣among the ranks of the⁣ trainees to teach them how‍ to ‌perform the movements and execute each strike with strength and ⁢precision.

In⁣ a ‌statement to the Chinese News ‌Agency (Xinhua) followed by‌ the ⁢(INA),‍ Burhan Kamel said: ‍“Kung Fu is a sport⁤ of ancient Chinese heritage and civilization, and its history goes back to the beginning​ of the Chinese nationalisms,‌ that is, five thousand years ago, and in order ⁢to master the Chinese⁤ martial arts.”‌ It is ‍necessary to understand ⁣the Chinese culture and philosophy behind ⁣it, ​and as the Arab proverb says: Seek knowledge even if it is in‌ China. This applies⁢ to Kung Fu as well.”
Kamel added: “In 2011, I set out for the Chinese province of Henan ⁢to realize ‌my dream of Chinese Kung Fu. From this trip,⁤ I gained comprehensive training and a deeper understanding of the cultural logic and philosophical spirit⁣ behind the different⁤ styles ‌of Chinese Kung Fu, as every movement ‍in Kung Fu is⁣ an embodiment of the ⁣essence of ⁤Ancient Chinese ‍philosophy.
He continued: “Over‌ the following years, I returned to China ⁣several times to‌ receive in-depth training, ⁣and in 2017, I ⁣founded the Shaolin Kung Fu Club in Sulaymaniyah, where it not only‍ teaches Chinese Kung Fu,​ but also introduces Chinese culture to Iraqis. Since that time, ‍he has participated “More than 3,000 Iraqi Kung Fu fans ⁤are in the club, including children⁢ and even the elderly.”
Kamel​ continued that ‍”he feels happy to see that many Iraqis have shown⁣ a strong interest in ​Chinese development and ⁤culture by learning this sport,” ​noting that “Chinese Kung‌ Fu is ‌not just‌ a bridge linking Iraq to ‍China,‍ but ⁢rather it is⁣ a ​window for Iraqis to learn about this country’s civilization and‌ strengthen The bonds of friendship between the two peoples, ​and despite the⁣ long distance, China and Iraq have ⁤become closer and more understanding thanks to ⁣cultural exchanges.”
More than just a sport.. Kung Fu is a cultural bridge between Iraq and China »

Source: Chinese News Agency (Xinhua)

Title:⁢ Kung Fu: A Cultural Bridge from China‌ to Iraq

Interviewer ( Editor): Welcome, everyone. Today, we⁢ have the pleasure of speaking⁣ with​ Burhan Kamel, the founder of the Kung Fu Club ‍in‍ Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq. Burhan ⁤has been instrumental in introducing ⁢and establishing Kung Fu as a popular ​sport among the youth in ⁤his region. ⁣Thank you for joining us, Burhan!

Burhan Kamel: Thank you for having me. It’s a ‍pleasure to share the journey of Kung Fu in Iraq.

Interviewer: Kung​ Fu ‌is known worldwide, but it’s fascinating ⁣to see it taking root in Iraq, ‍particularly ⁤in Sulaymaniyah. What inspired you to introduce Kung Fu to the youth there?

Burhan: My journey began in 2011⁢ when I traveled ‌to Henan province in China. I was captivated by the​ deep-rooted history and philosophy of Kung ⁣Fu. I realized that it’s not just a⁣ martial art; it’s a way of life that encompasses respect, discipline, and cultural understanding. Bringing that to‍ Iraq was about more than ​just sport; it ⁣was ⁤about cultural ⁤exchange and ‍empowerment for our young people.

Interviewer: That’s truly inspiring! You ​mentioned the importance of understanding ‌the culture and philosophy behind Kung Fu. How do you incorporate these elements into ​your training sessions?

Burhan: In every​ class, we not only focus on​ the physical movements but also discuss the principles behind them. I often quote the Arab proverb, “Seek knowledge even if it is in China,” to emphasize the value of ‌learning from different cultures. For instance, we explore the​ concepts‍ of balance, resilience, and harmony in both ‍life and martial arts. This approach helps‍ the trainees connect ‌more ‌deeply with ⁢the sport.

Interviewer: It sounds like you’re fostering a holistic understanding of ‍Kung Fu. ⁢Have you noticed any changes in the community since you⁤ started this ​initiative?

Burhan: Absolutely! The enthusiasm for Kung ​Fu has grown tremendously. We’ve‍ seen an increased interest among youth⁣ who wish​ to challenge themselves physically and mentally. It promotes fitness, ⁤self-discipline, and ⁣a sense of⁢ community. Moreover, it’s been ⁢a wonderful way to bridge cultural gaps—students learn not only from ⁣me but also⁢ from each other.

Interviewer: That’s remarkable. What challenges have you⁢ faced ⁢in promoting Kung Fu in Iraq, ⁣and how have you overcome them?

Burhan: Initially, there was skepticism regarding martial arts as a sport, particularly ⁢amongst parents who‍ might not be ​familiar⁤ with ​it. To address⁤ this, I organize workshops and demonstrations to show the ⁣positive values and skills the sport teaches. Additionally, I trained with qualified‌ instructors, ensuring our club meets high ⁢standards, ​which reassures both parents ⁢and trainees about the legitimacy of what we’re doing.

Interviewer: It sounds like you’ve built‌ a strong foundation. What are your hopes for ‍the future of‍ Kung Fu in Iraq?

Burhan: My dream is for Kung Fu to become a recognized sport across Iraq, with a structured approach that includes⁤ competitions and perhaps even collaborations with clubs in China. Ultimately, I hope this practice continues to inspire youth and fosters intercultural connections that lead to further understanding between⁢ our nations.

Interviewer: Thank you, Burhan. Your passion for the sport and‍ dedication⁤ to cultural exchange are truly commendable.‌ We look forward to seeing how Kung Fu flourishes⁢ in​ Sulaymaniyah and beyond.

Burhan: Thank you for ⁣the opportunity to share our journey. I believe that through sports like Kung Fu, we can build bridges and create a more understanding ‍world.

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